Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
Having launched onto Ramadan through the last edition, a further step is taken to expouse on duties and responsibilities during Ramadan. Abundant praise is due to Allah (SWT) on the uncommon privilege of witnessing yet another Ramadan period. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), and his entire bunch of followers till eternity. The maiden Jum'at in poses before us a measurable standard to self-evaluate manners of approach to spiritual cleansing.
Numerically, today being the seventh day of Ramadan marks almost 25 percent of the whole exercise which appears a yardstick towards possible success of the whole exercise. The vitality of Taqwa (piety) as the ultimate goal of endeavours in Islam mentioned towards the end of Qur'an 2:183 cannot be over-emphasized. Further information on nature and duties expected during Ramadan is given in the next Ayah. It posits: "(Fasting is) for a number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who caan do it (with hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free-will, -- it is better for him And it is better for you that you fast, if you only knew."
Granted that fasting was instrumental to the landmarks in the hands of several Prophets of Allah, and their memory of their achievements linger on beyond imagination, it is unimaginable that waiver of such spectacular feats is still not achievable before Allah. Ramadan fast offers array of opportunities for believers to explore various means of attaining through Ramadan, everlasting forgiveness, blessing, joy, blissful life, and lots more. A full package of favour is assembled therein to access. For the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) noted that: " Whoever observed Ramadan with piety and sincerity of purpose is forgiven all his sins."
Furthermore, to stress the importance of performing meritoriously in Ramadan, he warned: "Whoever observed Ramadan fast and remains unforgiven across the month is as good as denying himself of pleasure of food and drinks in vain." In addition, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) admonished believers specifically on leaving vain talk and other frivolities during Ramadan. He said: "Whoever observed Ramadan fast and did not jettison vain talk, Allah (SWT) is undesirable of him abandoning food and drinks."
The Prophetic Hadiths above are self-explanatory. The Books of authentic collections of Tafsir also offered vivid explanations on the concept of Iddah and Fidyah (Repay and Expiation) mentioned in the above quoted Ayah in situations of inability to fast such as ailments, journey that take toll, menstrual cycle and blood birth or insanity among others. Recorded in the authentic collections of Hadith is a model of such expiation, it is evident that:"A frontline Companion, Anas bn Malik (RA) was once reported weak to take fast, he made loaf of bread and invited thirty indigents Muslims and he fed them.'
It is to this end that Allah (SWT) categorically declares in the noble Qur'an 39:10 "Say: 'O you My servants who believe! fear Allah. Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world. Spacious is Allah's earth! Those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!" It must be noted that vain talk and the likes form part of the nefarious deeds which are invariably counter-Ramadan in outlook are played out completely. Fasting in this month primes the best rewarding deeds during the month of Ramadan.
However, it is advisable to avoid fasting by the following set of people in view of the above mentioned situations. These are: I. Traveller whose travel afford him hardship. It is a privilege to avoid fasting even though Scholars differ on the extent of the journey considered for such provision. II. Menstruating Muslimah and this is categorically declared in Qur'an 2:222, the provision which includes variations of Ibaadaat individually and collectively. III. Blood-birth Muslimah is also allowed to stay off fasting just she does in the cases of Salal and other forms of worship. IV. Pregnant woman who fears possible harming the foetus. V. Breastfeeding woman where there is fear of possible deprivation of the baby enough milk. VI. Weak for fasting as a result of old age. VII. Sick whose ailment is temporary, and VIII. Life-saving worker with hazardous nature of job. In all these, the bearer would either have to pay fidyah or settle for repayment.
In the same token, avoiding the following becomes imminent as they are capable of spoiling fast and depriving the bearer of its reward. The first is Al-Ghibah (Backbite), An-Namimah (Gossip), Al-Kadhib (Telling lies), Listening to vulgar music, Wearing golden rings for male, Drawing animate picture unnecessarily, Swearing with other than Allah, Making mockery of others, and Simulating with unbelievers.
Muslims are enjoined as a parameter to seek forgiveness during Ramadan to be engrossed with the following: "Allahumma InnaKa 'Afuweun Tuhibbul 'Afwa Fa a'af 'annaa,' meaning: O Allah, You are the Overlooker, You love to overlook (men's misdeeds); Overlook and forgive me.' This is indeed an epitome of Taobah (Repentance) in Islam for which Ramadan fast and its name serve well.
Till we meet again during the next edition. Thanks for being there always. Ramadan Mubarak.