Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
Glory be to Almighty Allah (SWT) for enabling us witness the eve of Ramadan 1446. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), the entire household, Companions and those who are on his path till the Day of Reckoning. Ushering in the month of forgiveness, month of multiplicity and the month uncommon harvest. Yet another opportunity for mankind to purify, champion the cause of dual-edged felicity and unequal relevance in the scheme of spirituality.
For Allah in the Glorious Qur'an 2: 183 says: "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint." Launching into the Ramadan, is not only a blessing but also a call to servitude with Allah with epitome of gratefulness and piety. This is the overall motive of each segment of the Islamic principles of which fasting is fourth in the rank.
Corroborating the above Qur'an narratives is un-equalled precedence mentioned in the verse. Prayer anf of course fasting were spectacular on several occasions and testimonies were borne afterward. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) could only get children after decades of childlessness (Qur'an 11:72). Prophet Dawud (AS)'s picture was painted as the true 'Caterpillar' not only in the spiritual but also in mundae affairs of generational challenges. Both mountains and iron were commanded to submit to his control. To cap it all, his son (Prophet Sulayman(AS)), was also made to inherit his domain, all by virtue of dedication, diligence, fasting and prayer (Qur'an 21:79).
Prophet Musa (AS) was instructed to fast for thirty days but also augmented with extra ten to complete the term of the covenant (Qur'an 7:142), the Jewish and Christians take to lent. Qur'an 3:38 portrays Prophet Zakariya as manumiting Nana Maryam, mother of Prophet Isa (AS). Meant to witness part of Allah's wonder in her apartment through constant supply of alternative better feeding items than his provision, Prophet Zakariya had recourse to challenge Allah on giving him a Khalifah and he was given Prophet Yahya (AS).
In the same token, Nana Maryam was obliged to confess to fasting when she was confronted by her people on whereabout her little son saying: '... Surely, I promise to fast today and never to talk to anyone (Qur'an 19:26). By extension, however, the miracle son of Maryam surprised men of intellect while talking in cradle to their amazing understanding. 'I am a Servant of Allah, given divine Book, and a Prophet. Being a blessed anywhere I am and I was commanded to offer Salat and Sawm (fasting) as long as I live. Peace be on Me ;the day I was born, the day I shall die and the day I shall be resurrected.' Not only that, they were dully informed of their last food intake and of course what they had prepared to feed on on getting home (Qur'an 3:49)'.
It is worthy on note to be reminded that the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) had hinted that: 'Had my Community aware of the blessing obtainable during Ramadan fast, they would had wished every moment of life to be Ramadan month; mainly for all good things are embedded in it, obedience is enhanced, prayers accepted, sins are forgiven and of course, Paradise is yearning.' To this end, another Hadith of the Messenger clarifies on the above provision. It reads: 'Paradise ultimately expects and expects four group of people who include reciter of the Qur'an, who guides tongue from awful utterance, feeder of the hungry and who fasts in the month of Ramadan'. These inform the basic duties during the month of Ramadan.
Contemporary wise, since the concept of fast in Islam berates all manners of 'mystic' or 'alien' form of fast. Ordained duration of on Muslims is between day- break and sun-set across the month. While all manners of lawful feeds, drinks and relationship are allowed from sun-set tol day break, forms of Biri-biri (turning) fast, while fast, bloodless feast, pepper-less feast and half-a-day fast appear in all sense humility alien to Muslims and Islam.
List of required Ibaadaat (Rewardable deeds) in Ramadan include but not limited to fasting proper, support of fasting people on Iftar and Sahur meal, Qur'an recitation and internalization, engrossing with Nawafil, seeking forgiveness and of course, supplicating at all times in addition to five daily Salat. More importantly, proper commune with Allah for giant stride in the journey across life as against regimented annual favour. It must be added that goodness to every creature during fasting makes the reward fasting complete.
Most essentially, a fasting Muslim should be seen submissive to the spirit of fasting. In case he is offended or provoked, the recommended standard is to say: 'I am fasting'. Above all, the Prophetic Hadith stipulates the saying: 'Allahumma InnaKa 'Afuwwun Tuhibbul 'Afwa fa a'af 'anni' meaning: 'Oh Allah, Your domain is forgiveness, You love forgiving people, therefore forgive me.'
In Sha'a Allah, another edition would take up further consideration of fast. We shall stop here for the mean time. Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims all over the world. Thanks and remain extremely blessed.