Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Glory be to Almighty Allah (SWT) for the wherewithal to witness yet another Jum'at Mubarakah. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his entire household, Companions, and those who follow their footpath till the Day of Reckoning. This edition as part of preparation for the month of Ramadan would treat us to possible spiritual harmony in preparation for Ramadan fast. This is with a view to doing away with indecent attitude capable of denying a Believer the reward of Ramadan in entirety. Your fast is but a virile investment the debentures on which you would not lose by taking to important issues mentioned in this edition.

Before long, be reminded that you still have ample opportunity to repay missed fast during the last Ramadan, hence avoid spill over. A striking question gives rider to this edition as deposited in Suratu r Ra 'd Qur'an 13: 19: 'Is then one who does know that that which has been revealed unto you from your Lord is the Truth, like one who is blind? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.' This question appears dully answered in the Ayah 28 of the same Surah, in the like manner of holy Qur'an's inter-connective narrations. It offers that: 'Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.'

Granted that the above two Ayat (Qur'an verses) are self-explanatory. Some issues borne out of the verses appear momentum considering the acceptability of Ramadan. To start with, i. Fulfilling promise made to Allah as emanated from the basis for Human and Jinn kinds (Qur'an 55:56). Such duties of worship appears spectacular in all ramifications. Ibadat (worship) is of two categories; the one directed towards Allah (Ibadatun Illahiyyah) and  the one directed towards creatures (Ibadatun Khalqiyyah). These are both vertical and horizontal relationships. 

II. Renege on agreement is an aberration for it is capable of causing rancor. III. Untying the knots of Allah via human is very important regarding rules and regulations in place. IV. Likewise, untying the knots of relationship within family and associates is capable incurring Allah's wrath. This is by prioritizing them in the order of humanly possible blessing. The Ramadan period serves as ample avenue for extending gestures to members of the familiy.

V. Believer who dreams for success in both worlds should be wary of unpleasant ending by perfecting details of dual-edge steward. VI. Patience for the sake of Allah make humanity thrive. As the case may be, the root of all chaos is impatience graduating  to belingerence. All manners of assault, fraca and pandimonium arising from impatience appears in the same category of 'Qur'an premise of criminal  killing of one person ad heinous as killing all human'.

VII. Establishing regular Salat is the symbol of worship of a Believer. In fact, it is the first port of call during the ultimate accountability in the Last Day. Fasting during Ramadan is a step ahead in worship to Salat without which fasting may not be acceptable. VIII. Fasting also encourages spending out of wealth to benefit the less-privileged. It poses fasting as huge investment the returns of which is expected only from Almighty Allah. This is open to all what is done in the hidden and open.

IX. Exchange evil with goodness is a great expectation attracting reciprocal determinism. As such, benefitting from a gesture gives substantial amount of impact on both the beneficiary and benefactor. X. Dhikr (Remembrance and Fear of Allah) is the summary of the whole criteria. Ayah 28 is critical on the essence of the ten criteria. It is on this note that it (Qur'an 13:28) evaluates the whole criteria with an overriding ovation for remembrance of Allah as an integral part of Taqwa (piety) without which any act of worship remains aimless and purpose defeated. These are the ten criteria the perfection of which assures the reward of Ramadan fast and other celestial and spiritual activities. 

Till we meet again during the next edition, thanks for your usual digest from this forum. Stay blessed and Ramadan Kareem in advance. 


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