Bismillah Ar-Rahim Ar-Rahim

Only Allah (SWT) deserves our adoration and veneration in all ramifications. Not only for the benefit of living to witness yet another first Jum'at in the month of Sha'ban and the last Jum'at and of coutse the last day in the month of January 2025, but also for the wherewithal to attend the weekly service of Jum'at. May the peace and blessings be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his entire household, Companions and all deserving followers of his path till eyernity. The Ayat of the Qur'an in to
this edition will be cited in exerp for longevity of the portions. These are Qur'an 22:5 and Qur'an 4:114.

Paraphrasing the portions would privide us an insight into the premodial origin of man as an offshoot of the first man (Adam) as a product of dust. Being privileged to transform from meshy water to congeeled blood, pound of flesh and later a full blown creature who by Allah's leave was spared to move across stages of life is a blessing. Seven main stages pass on him which include: anti-natal, post-natal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and retirement. Has it come to his imagination  how many birth mates, primary, secondary, college, university even carrer mates have passed to great beyond?  For his unblemished sojourn to cut across the stages, he sould give glorification. At old age, he is subject to degradation in memory, physique and activities. The diminishing returns at retirement age shows clearly the unmistakable regimentation and indispensable nature of man.

To this end, the second Ayat addresses duties and responsibilities towards Allah in particular and humanity in general. This symbolizes the main thrust of life on which accountability is hung. To Allah, man owes duties of servitude and to human he discharges utmost responsibilities to attract only the favour of Allah. He is evaluated on the basis of the duo in the presence of men and Allah on the long run. Hence, 'Apaadi se ikoko ri, and Aaka se ogbon ri' meaning: 'broken pot part was once a useful pot, and broken calabash was once a usuful cup'. This parlance tells about the tentative nature of life situation rather, making best use of a situation matters a lot.

It is to this end that 'Nature-nurture theory' credited to the renowned Psychologist, Albert Bandura comes to the fore. In line with the Prophetic Hadith that: 'All mankind is born on plain track; except his parents who make of him Jew, Christian or Magian.' This goes in line with Abdullah Adam Al-Ilory's lines which provides: ' يعيش المرء على ما ذاب عليه # ويشيب على ما عاش عليه
ويموت على ما شاب عليه # ويقوم على ما مات عليه
meaning: 'It's no surprising that man lives by what is used to; 
He grows old on whatever he lives by.
He dies on whatever he grows on it; 
And he resurrects on whatever he dies on it.'

This notwithstanding, Allah's incomprehensible nature appears utterly unquestionable! Many a man resorts to good deeds after long period of awful and descernible stewards and vice versa. It indicates that judgement of good and evil deeds is exclusive perogative of Almighty Allah. To human chargrin, man in human estimation for doom may be found ultimately favoured and blessed. This can also happen other way round. The Hadith of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) is clear on such situation.

However, old age realities comes with much but not limited to ten areas of challenge. These include: *i*. تجديد القرابة بالله meaning: Renewal of relationship with Allah, the Creator. This is in form of turning to Allah in complete loyalty as resonate in Istighfar (seeking forgiveness over past misdeeds), Ibadat (worship), Salat (Daily prayer), Sadaqah (Charity), Sawm (Fasting), Qur'an recitation, and Jihad (Striving in the cause of Allah), among others. *ii*. تجديد القرابة بالناس meaning: 'Strengthening relationship with people.  An episode of a philanthropist whose relatives used to throng his yard for financial assistance but to no avail suffices. 

 *iii* . Volunteering with family and friends is another duty at old age. Living among or not far away from them particularly in rural areas where life is less expensive i.e among school mates and youthful friends. *iv*. Reconnect with Masjid. Participate fully, contribute positively at this level and let tour impact be felt among them. A section of the United Nations Charter bears on this. *v* . Reach out to neighbours (far and near) for downward trend, and people tend to ask questions on your impact. تساءل  عن فضا ءله اناس # وخير الناس من ترك الجواب meaning: 'On life achievements men curiously inquire; And the best of men is he who leave dazzling response.' *vi* . Sow or invest greatly and profitably in Allah. This is the central theme of Qur'an 59:18 'O you who believe, fear Allah and let every soul look to what (provision) he has sent forth  for the morrow.... ' Further interpretation of this situation is given in the Hadith thus: 'Whenever a man dies, he benefits further not anything except from three things; revolving charity, benefitting knowledge and of course, admirable children who pray for him.' This is worthwhile legacy. *vii* . Mending fence among wives and children. Favour no one at the expense of another. This is part of the protection Allah mentioned in Q66:6.

 *viii* . Leave a level-playing ground. Create no confusion for your children and relatives. The prayer of a believer is to rest in peace after death but the opposite may be the result if he created confusion before going. Leave behind good legacy that command better stories even after you ate no more. *ix* . Leave behind good Wasiyyah. Wasiyyah is a record of pledges within and outside the Estate. It is third port of call after burial expenses and debts. Wasiyyah is unlike Western Will-writing which tends to favour an inheritor at the expense of others. It is one-third or less of the whole Estate the Testator is entitled to give in charity to non-inheriting relatives as the case may be. The will Executor is duty bound to share to them according to the wish of the Testator. In case there arise issues on the items or sharing formula, beneficiaries are appealed to on the minimum bearable of share. 

 *x* . Enrich humanity, punctuate life and let your name ring bell even after you. Allow your children to reap the whirlwind blessings of your living. Your manner of torching people's lives should speak for thousands of years after your demise. These ten areas are more spectacular to human life of worth. These are summarized in the following lines:  جدد القرابة واراف لطفا لهم # لك تجازب والمساجد احياها
واقرض في الله واصلح مقاصدهم # فبالارث توصي للاحسان احياها
meaning: 'Renew relation with Allah and bless people; You attract them and for Masjid enliven.
Sow in Allah profitably and people's demands you meet; Your Will give in benefit for the living.'
Summarily, the story of human life via accountability is kin to a slave who is given ample hand to do extra job for personal resources. Keeping on procrastinating ransom led him to eventual dwelling in captivity with his descendants. In a nutshell, ageing is prune to several challenges the ultimate of which is eventual death. Preparing on daily basis is the crust of old age realities. Thanks for your reading.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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