Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Praise be to Allah Who created human beings in categories; lower, medium and higher capacity. Abundant blessings be upon the soul of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) in his roburst corroboration of Allah's injunctions to injest bearable humanly possible solutions to issues arising from interactions. Followers in whose actions, reactions and wholesome activities other believers find succor enjoy the same manner of blessing till eternity. The categories notwithstanding, the most desirable in the sight of Allah appears not only the most worshipping but also most pious (Qur'an 49:13).

This edition treats us to a big congratulations to the management of the Fiqhul Masa'il Online on the occasion of yet another year i.e second anniversary of the noble platform. While we throw unquantifiable glory to Almighty Allah in this respect, fervent applause is due to our kind supporters even in the least form of reading from this platform on weekly basis. Thanks to you all. However, the management of this platform wishes to use this unique occasion to invite you to visit our website for further readings in Islamic affairs and possible publishing with us your Local Arabic Poetry and or any viable update on Islam across the Globe meant to benefit members and non-members alike. Looking forward to see you on https://www.slaipaclass.com/

Our concern in this edition is informed by unpalatable treatment melted on categories of people arising from socio-cultural stratifications and less-privileged. Granted that human beings would naturally be endowed differently thereby creating an array of subservience in human society - leader and servant syndrome. Leadership as a social status largely depends on services rendered by servants for a beauty and glamour of authority enjoyed. Nevertheless, to both are structural assignments towards each other for further civilization and progress. A maltreatment of one to other is a malaign and contempt to being responsive. To a large extent, boss-servant relationship such as Director-Driver, Master-Cook, Manager-Clerk and many more walks of eadeavour must be of mutual cordiality. Should the one at the receiving end of service feel on top of others against the scheer opportunity accrued to him, he signs for unnecessary eventuality.

Customarily, believers are always addressed to optimize level of piety in all ramifications for pent-up ultimate accountability. Allah (SWT) declares in Qur'an  59:18-19 that: "O you who believe! fear Allah and let every soul look to what  (provision) he has sent forth for the morrow. Yes, fear Allah: for Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that you do. And be you not like those who forgot Allah; and He made them forget themselves! Such are the rebellious transgressors." The tone of the above Qur'an provision appears lucid, self-explanatory and straight to the target for men of understanding.

Contemporizing this provision in the context of the title of this article,  the Hadith of the Messenger gives clear picture of leader-led conundrum in rather 'transient' position. A house maid or servant in our care deserves some rights. The noble Messenger (SWT) categorically declared that whatever goes up comes down and whatever goes around comes around, so men are advised to thread cautiously. He said: "Surely, your brethren under you are your helpers put in your care. Whoever has under him a helper should feed him out of what he eats, clothe him out of what (materials) he wears; and on no account should you bother him more than he has capability to do. And in case you saddle him more than what he can coop with, you should help him in that respect."

It is to this end that a poet proverbially hinted that: لو عرف الانسان قدره # لم يقترف المولى عبده 
امس الذي مر على قدره  #  يحدث على الارض او رده 
meaning: "Should a man recognize his worth capacity; The head would have not deride his servant.
For yesterday may have passed over his position; But he dwells on earth or place different." This automatically shows temporary nature of any situation in life. It is, however, ironical that oppressor of yesterday may become servant in earnest. Many a landlord  sooner became tenant in the same building he erected. Uncountable are Bank roller of yesteryears who later came for employment in the establishment he hither served as benefactor, bankruptcy. Not to mention a situation whereby former maltreated house maid later became wife to the Master she earlier served and his children. 

Fellow brethren, can you imagine how soon table can turn against ill-behaving master/mistress in favour of the once cheated children of relatives or house-help on whom the latter had cast aspersion? The central theme of Qur'an 3:26 comes to lime light with respect to the fact that Allah's determinism berates human calculation in terms of swindling the pendulum of favour. Allah says:' Say: 'Allah! Lord of Power (and Rule), You give power to whom You please, and You strip off power from whom You please: and You bring low whom You please; in Your hand is all Good. Verily, over all things You have power.' Allah (SWT) remains as unconquerable as incomprehensible! 

It is in the same token of self-evaluation on the basis of cohabitation that the last segment of Suratu n Nazi'at (Qur'an 79:37-46) evaluates this edition with precision the end-result of both goodness and evil deeds. It says: "Then, for such as had transgressed all bounds. And had preferred the life of this world. The abode will be Hell-fire. And for such as had entertained the fear of standing before their Lord's (tribunal) and had restrained (their) soul from lower desires. Their abode will be the garden. 

They ask You about the Hour, - 'When will be its appointed time?'. Wherein are You (concerned) with the declaration thereof? With Your Lord is the final end of it. You are but a Warner for such as fear it. The Day hey see it, (it will be) as if they had tarried but a single evening, or (at most till) the following morn!".

The above provision is a clear indication not only on ephemeral nature of life but also that the choice of anything, any situation, any favour, any misfortune and many more appears exclusively in Allah. Therefore, man determines not who is fortunate or otherwise. This is the highest lesson of Al-Ukhrawiyyah (Accountability) which is the fifth article of faith a Muslim must as a matter of necessity, take  in un-equalled esteem.

Next edition, we are going to meet again, In Sha'a Allah. Ma'as Salaamah.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam and Missioner, Ansar-Ud-Deen Society, Ipaja Branch, Lagos State.

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