Sultan Bello's 10 Principles of Good Governance

*The book _"Ten Principles of Politics"_ by Sultan Muhammad Bello of Sokoto is a significant work in Islamic political thought. Sultan Muhammad Bello, the son of Sheikh Usman Dan Fodio, provides a guide on governance based on Islamic principles. Below is a summary of its core ideas:*

*1. Justice:* The foundation of governance is justice. Leaders must ensure fairness and impartiality in dealing with their subjects, regardless of their status.

*2. Consultation (Shura):* A ruler should consult knowledgeable and trustworthy advisors before making decisions to ensure sound governance.

*3. Accountability:* Leaders are accountable to Allah and the people they govern. They must be transparent and answerable for their actions.

*4. Good Leadership:* A leader must exhibit exemplary moral character, wisdom, and humility, serving as a role model for society.

*5. Provision of Welfare:* The government should prioritize the well-being of its citizens, ensuring access to basic needs like security, food, and healthcare.

*6. Rule of Law:* A leader must adhere to the laws of Islam and ensure their enforcement without favoritism or oppression.

*7. Knowledge and Education:* Leaders should promote the pursuit of knowledge and education as a means to empower the society and maintain good governance.

*8. Avoiding Tyranny:* A leader should avoid authoritarian rule, as tyranny leads to societal discontent and instability.

*9. Military Preparedness:* The state must be prepared to defend itself and its people, ensuring peace and security.

*10. Trust and Loyalty:* Leadership is a trust _(Amanah)_ from Allah, and leaders must remain loyal to this trust, avoiding corruption and betrayal.

The book emphasizes that leadership is a divine responsibility that must be fulfilled with *sincerity, integrity, and adherence to Islamic values.* Muhammad Bello's work remains relevant, especially in discussing ethical governance and leadership in a multicultural society.

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