Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Innumerable thanks to Allah (SWT) on this occasion of yet another Jum'at in memory of ADS 101st Anniversary. Abundant blessings be upon the soul of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and his sincere followers till the Day of judgement. This edition will treat us to 'Tarbiyyatul Aolad' (Children's Training) as a main focus of perpetuating humanity. 

Allah (SWT) in the holy Quran gives stern warning on training of the child sequel to upbringing. This helps serve the purpose of bringing them to life and acting contrary defeats the golden objectives of procreation. Qur'an 66:6 is categorical on this when it says: "O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe who flinch not (from executing) the commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded)."

Part of the stern warning on Child Training is providing the child enablement to gain both lives and not one at the expense of other. Not only wealth of riches is target but also hikmoh (wisdom) is required for him to give proper recognition to Allah (SWT) on one hand and to human and non-human species on the other. This attracts dignifying them in proper sense. Knowing their boundaries and categorizing them as such forms part of the training.

Children's Training entails preparing them with and for better mentality in the first place to recognize Allah's might and power as superior in all circumstances. This would not only drive them away from corrupting their minds but also make them useful elements to themselves, parents and the society in general. Notwithstanding, not all parents would have wherewithall to give necessary training to children to become useful. Non-educated or higher-engaged parents can as well contract such training to educated ones for 'one can hardly give what is not owned.'
"فاقد شيء لا يعطي"

This expression sums up the manner of contract mentioned above. In another man's language, كيفما يكن المربي يكن المربى meaning: "A pupil is a replica of his mentor" serves well in this context. The two statements show clearly that there is limit to how money alone can train children. By implications, however, the obnocious zeal of parents running after material wealth often leaves children devoid of emotion towards parents and Allah the Creator.

In the exact premise, poverty has been the bane of human development. This becomes worrisome as it takes tolls on education making multiplicity of less educated and by extension, producing rotten society. To be immune of this menace, ADS deserves accolade for being among the vanguards of educational development in Nigeria. Part of the strategies employed is investing in training children for better tomorrow. 

Six fundamental and meaningful domains of Children's Training in Islam include the following:
1. Tarbiyyatu Imaniyyah (Doctrinal Training). This is instilling of Islamic safe thoughts and faith in them, and teaching them principles of Islam and faith in both seen and unseen principalities. A coincise presentation of such skills is obtainable in Prophet Luqman's good counsel to his son as obtainale in Qur'an 31:13-19. The golden advice include: avoiding worship other things than Allah; being grateful to Allah and the parents. Friendliness with parents only when they invite you not to worship other things apart from Allah. Spirit of accountability arising from the fact that nothing is hidden to Allah. Others are establishing regular Salat, enjoining goodness, forbidding wrong and patience on vicissitudes of life. Furthermore, avoiding pomposity and walking in insolence in contra-distinction to being moderate in pace, lowering voice and maintaining perfect humility. These golden advice summarises the central theme of Islamic Curriculum which ADS propagates.
2. Tarbiyyatu Khulqiyyah (Moral Teaching). This includes manners of greeting, eating, talking, laughing, empathy, sympathy and celebration in all ramifications.
3. Tarbiyyatu Jismiyyah (Manner of Personal Hygiene). All manners of bathing, dressing, hair-do, shoe-wearing that portrays total dignity through appearance are to be taken care of. It is unfortunate that most of these advice become more extinct on daily basis. Reasons for this may not be far-fetched. Mention was made earlier of demography of educated and less-educated coupled with the fact that most young parents (particularly  mothers)'s dressing are closer to nudity. Can we blame a child from such home for appearing half-naked? Contrairily, parental care includes but not limited to instilling respect in the child; calling the child with nobility would remind him/her the type of home from where he/she emerges.
4. Tarbiyyatu Aqliyyah (Safe Thoughts). This points sharp to the type of mind (Nafs) abides in him/her. To this end, Sayyidna Aliy (RTA) placed on record that: "Speak out and we identify you for a personality; for a man is loved for the content of his tongue."
5. Tarbiyyatu Nafsiyyah (Mind Training). Mind as mentioned earlier determines overall personality. Training it for rewarding steward matters because المرء مرهونة لما في قلبه meaning: 'Man is a variat of his mind content.'
6. Tarbiyyatu Ijtima'iyyah (Social Training). The manner of cohabiting with other people in the society attracts vital essence because as a social animal, he cannot do but relate with others in the environment which comprises neighbours and friends.

Besides, Islamic education pride children to avoid unnecessary frivolities. The Ibadan stampede that left over forty children dead and scores hospitalized in the opinion of this submission is a fall out of ill-mannar of training given to children. It is to this end that the essence of the goals of ADS as  an Islamic Organization that sustains it for over a century should be intensified. While we pray for forgiveness for the founding members of ADS, we urge current crops of membership to intensify efforts in the direction for the sake posterity. 

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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