Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

That holy Qur'an is a prime guide of humanity is not an understatement. Its pace-setting modules couples with giving tidings to Believers on unimaginable favour of Allah towards them as long as they dwell in good deeds remains immeasurable. This is the central theme of Suratul Isra'i (Qur'an 17:9). Unequal glorification be to Allah for guiding us unto His wishes (Ibaadah). May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his household, companions, and followers of truth as the epitome of divine messages till eternity. 

The main context of Qur'an 17: 82-88 appears mind-bugling when contemporized and it poses arrays of lessons to humanity in general. The 86th and 87th verses appear momentum to this edition. Allah (SWT) reiterates that: "If it were Our will, We could take away that which We have sent to you by inspiration: then would you find none to plead your affair in that matter as against Us. Except for Mercy from your Lord; for His bounty is to you (indeed) great." The verses appear self-explanatory.

Prelude to the verses contains the nomenclature of the Qur'an as cure and blessing to humanly possible 'ailments' to include both spiritual and otherwise. Indifference from man towards its content attract spell of choice in the walks of life across board. To a large extent, human frivolities incarnated in unnecessary inquisition about numerous principalities including 'soul' concept in living being. 

Ahlu -t-Tafsir (Exegetes) bear more on the causative situation of the situation painted in this context. While some like Al-Qurtubiy, Ar-Raziy and Abu Hayan maintain that the verses appear direct caution to the Messenger on possible human forgetfulness to enlist Allah's permission on promise delivery. It was placed on record that he once relied 'I will respond tomorrow'. This narrative was adjudged weak though the lessons embedded holds water. 

Contrarily, some other authorities like Abu Sahl preferred holding to the fact that the caution serves all humanity in the general premise of counting on Allah's permission to deliver on promise or any futuristic endeavour. The group added that it appears a great borderline between  asking too much questions on both what was obtainable and unfounded situations and entities.

Bringing the argument to a seal, Allah (SWT) gives yet another conditional entreaties to the most difficult categories of creatures (Men and Jinn kinds) on the continual impossibility of producing a similitude to Qur'an in spite of their lettered status. Disproving all human assertions, He says: "Say: 'If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of the Qur'an, they could no t produce the likes thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support."

The last verse serve extant response to several conditional statements and the main import is that of human incapacitation to  undermine the works of Allah decreed in the first premise. Secondly, the whole narratives shows that Allah deserves human worship in obedience and forward-looking in all ramifications. It serves human from this Ayat of the Qur'an to always remember to enlist Allah's permission, the Messenger Muhammad SAW (SAW) was also flesh, taking example from the Messenger and  that success and doom appear inter-changeably depending on approaches of submissiveness and obstinacy.

A reported Hadith  of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) comes to bear on the topic and hand. It relates that: "A time will come on my community when nothing remains of their Islam except ordinary name; of the Iman (faith) we except just enigma; of the holy Qur'an except  its letters; and they are but only for consumption wherein their religion is their wealth (dealing in religion), their focus is their women, whereas they will neither be satisfied with a little nor contented with abundance."

Moreover, the dictates of the above Hadith is better imagined today. Our society is given to various branded assaults from the young, naive and weak to old, giant and strong. Social media is a-washed  when it comes to flexing muscles on trivialities in the religion. Un-imaginable realities stare us on the face where cheer ignorance is sharpened to post as the most learned in the Muslim circle. These are all the manifestations of the dictates of the above Hadith of the noble Messenger.

Furthermore, Qillatul 'ilm (Short-circuit) knowledge appears on the rage. Justification for imbecility is often sought after. The zeal for outright truth is long time being oblivion. As it is often referred to in this part of the clime, 'One should not be too big in another man's proportion nor would become mean in your own landmark.' The subject of exertion (Ifta'i) would remain utterly questionable where a product of Tahdiriy (Nursery) level claims authority in his domain. Ditto for unprofessional element meets several unsurmountable challenges in socio-realistic enclave. Finally, the fact that the promise of Rahmah (blessing) epitomized in Messenger Muhammad personified is a good omen to the entire humanity.

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