Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
In the last two or three edition, discussions had been made on several ways of human development to engender maximum productivity. This edition will treat us to possible means of wildering the storm of economic hardship to succeed in the present day Nigeria. The main aim is, among others, to concern Brethren of Islam with paraphernalia of success in spite of odds of socio-economy.
Several questions beg for answers when issues of survival among Muslims is brought to bear. What model are Muslims have assumed in the socio-economic sector? The dichotomy of gown and town notwithstanding, Muslims of various economic levels must ensure survival within
the confine of halal. This depicts the level of faith of individuals which is a miniature of that of the general macrocosm.
Suffices here to relate the most fearful Hadith (in the estimation of this sermon) which says: "From Atai bn Abi Ribah, from Ibn Umar (RA), from the Prophet (SAW) who said: 'The feet of son of Adam will remain glue until he is asked about five spectacular areas of dwelling, namely: i. His life where he spent it; ii. His youth where he dissipated it; iii. His wealth from where he gathered same; iv. His wealth where he lavished it; and of course v. His knowledge and what he did with it. This Tradition appears talking to imagination.
How to survive in view of the economic hardship is a point of emphasis. Islam is a way of life which admires spending thrift of one's wealth in the cause of humanity. It is a formation between Capitalism and Socialism. It is neither Communism nor Totalitarianism. A way of craving to have lawfully and blessing other from the same wealth of experience and material resources. It is to this end that Islam abhors professional begging and lethargic tendency as a means of livelihood.
Islam encourages resilience, diginity of labour, forbearance, patience, perseverance and all manners of admirable behaviours. This is in contra-distinction to several ways of cutting corners and making life miserable for others in a bid for self survival. It is to this end that rendering services to humanity becomes easy and instrumental.
Islam encourages moderacy in all spheres of life. Extravagance has no place in Islam (Qur'an 17:27). Wastage is antithetic to Islam and human development (Qur'an 2:60). The likes of cultural uniform (Aso Ebi) should be minimized if not totally shunned at this particular moment. Miserliness is an affront in human circle (Qur'an 47:38) and in fact at the peril of the miser. Being more enlightened is next to development. Empowering others extenuates collective survival in the midst of hardship.
"What is the matter with you that you help not each other? (Qur'an 37:25). The tone of this verse reflects that human circle suffers the brink of extinction should they shun lending helping hand. Mentoring others is a target to sustainable development. The economic hardship had dealt severe blow on most members of the community. Most human solutions could come in terms of blessing others for comparative survival.
It is in line with this the episode of Sufyan Thaoriy comes to bear. A man once asked him for good counsel to whom he said: ' هذا*زمان* *السكوت* ، *وملازمة* *البيوت* ، *والرضى *بالقليل meaning: 'This is the period of gentility, curtailing frivolities and being pleased and contented with little at hand.' This statement was further reinforced by Shaykh Adam Abdullah Al-Iloriy. As a way of contributing to knowledge, however, this khutbah would add: *ومرابطة* *الاموال ، *واستمضاء* *الاستثمار* . meaning: 'Wise sowing for rainy days, and perpetuating investment.'
The above statement would appeal to imaginations using Prophet Yusuf (AS)'s model to evaluate the current situation. A universal model of 7-7+ was solution theory was stipulated for Qitfiru Azeez long after his un-interpretable nightmare. Yusuf's former prison mate beckoned on him and this became watershed in Yusuf's roadway to stardom.
Main escape routes from the current economic eldorado remain in the Hadith of the noble Messenger which postulates nine things. These include: yearning for felicity calls for observing Salat at the appropriate time, brighter face is occasioned by observing Qiyamu l Layl (vigil), and gentleness in approach calls for Qur'an recitation. You want sound health, fast periodically, looking for dis-entanglement, seek forgiveness and, should you want to live above difficulties, endear your mouth to the phrase 'La haola wala quwwata illa bi Llahil Aliyyil Azeem. If you want demystifying grief, supplicate a lot with charity, you want increase in blessing, bless the soul of the last Prophet and finally, you want stress-free accountability, never be stingy with your wealth.'
Till we meet next week, Thanks and remain abundantly blessed.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.