Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

All praise is due to Allah, Unconquerable and Most Infinite. May the blessings of Allah continue to be upon the soul of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), the finality of Prophets and leader of all Messengers of Allah, his household, companions and all good followers of his mission till eternity. Digressing a little from the line on ground, this edition would treat readers to the magnificence of faith accomplished and admirable deeds when the duo compliment each other. 

Before long, Allah's oath declaration with Day decline in the Qur'an portions is instrumental in this edition as obtainable in Qur'an Suratul 'Asr (104:1-4). It reads: "By the time. Verily Man is in loss. Except such as have faith, and as do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual enjoining of truth, and patience and constancy." As self-explanatory the Surah appears, it addresses fundamental theorem in the survival of human and humane cause of actions.

Allah (SWT), perfect Creator would remain incomparable with man. In His wisdom, creation of man is ladden with propective manual in the same manner a material product manufacturer does with a machine. The leaflet accompany the tear-runbber product thereby guiding the proper management of the product for logevity and of course value for the cost.

This is similarly typified of Creator-Creature Horizon (CCH). This is Powerful-Supervicial Horizon (PSH). What alibi has a supervicial being than to give ultimate submission to the dictates of the Powerful? This is the situation between the Manufacturer and the product and of course man and the Creator (Allah). To this end, should the used of the product decides to act otherwise to the directory guiding the usage of the product the result is better imagined than expensed. Our world is today in complete chaos owing to the fact that man had taken to the way of flesh than divine.  

Incontrovertibly, a man is the product of his mindset, thoughts and disposition. These implant on his actions, reactions and recourse where the bearer derms it fit. In as much as faith and good derds appear two sides of a coin (or Naira note) which a man cannot decide to spend at the expense of other, the comimentary roles offaith and good deeds can not be contested. One can hatdly eat a cake and still jave it intact. In fact, it opens to opportunity cost economic exactitude.

Efforts in futility indeed, is faith unaccomplished with virile deed. This implants mostly on trust on individual disposition. It is on this note that the noble Messenger Muhammad SAW exhortably enjoined that: "He is not faithful, who is devoid of trust." A good instance in human circle is an awful scenario of going out to check if it is day break sequel to the mere 'good morning' greeting of an untrustworthy. Secondly to show the gravity of untrustworthy, of what benefit is licking an egg packaged to be delivered to a third party on trust?

Faith and good deeds elude man as we gravitate to Genz age. Lots of Armed Robbery, Banditry, Kidnap, Ritual killing, Yahoo and Yahoo plus thrive in our contemporary society like Nigeria and had refused to abate. Some two decades downward, one an conviniently enjoy overnight road travel. Homes asumme postures of reinforced metalic bars from the main gate to the entrance door, and from the room door to the windows. The questions begging for answers remain 'Who is the prisoner? Can we afford not to be free in our homes? When is the state of insecurity going to abate? and Where are we going from here?' May Allay return security to this nation,it is indeed our legacy.

Allah's injunction proffers four main-polar solutions to the gambling-ridden situation include: i.Un-alloyed and complete alliance to Allah, the Creator. ii. Engaging in good deeds. iii. Engaging others in good counsel and iv. Bidding to others points of patience and perseverance. To this end, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) did not mince words regarding the causes anf effects of misdemeanor in session. He declered: "Say the truth even if it is distasteful." In another reported Hadith, he said: 'Say the truth even if the aftermath will not be palatable for you.' The indication of these two Hadith shows that untruthfulness claim lion share of the current woe.

The point of emphasis in this edition appears three categories of people compete for space in life. The first being a non-entity in his frivolities and indisposition to good counsel. The second is half human in value for taking counsel but making use of none. The third and the best of them all is the one able to sieve and take the best of good counsels before taking to the best among equal. Not only that, he is the type that takes responsibility on his cause of actions and reactions.

To evaluate this edition, Allah declares in Qur'an 16:90 which often serves as weekly tonic across board that 3-3 spectacular polls bind together the whole of human environment. These are the positive points of life development including doing of justice, goodness which is the main arrow of this edition and giving to kindreds. To a large extent, family and kindred may tend to frustrate, applying wisdom appears the best approach to their incessant demands. Contrarily, Allah detests just as they equally detestable in the sight of men thus warning against indecent deeds, evil and rebellion; so that he might prosper. 

Next is another edition where we shall be treating the second part of this edition. Till then, thanks for being there always and remain abundantly blessed. Jum'at Mubarakah. Ma'as Salaamah.

Dr Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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