Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Allah confirms in the Qur'an that: ".... There is a Masjid whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of you standing forth  (for prayer therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and Allah loves those who make themselves pure." The spate of atrocity perpetrated by infractured elements in the society calls for concerted efforts from Contemporary Masajid (plural) to take bull by the horn by taking necessary actions capable of leading to sporadic development.

Masjid is gerundic term for place where divinity is reverred by adherents and sharing of common good of Allah's instruction is carried out. In Islam, it is held in esteem for having perfect relationship with the foundations and the pedestal through which Allah's Prophets and Messengers came forth. It must be noted that All Prophets came with the same unilateral way of life but for the need of each time they served. So, the bunch of rituals stumbled upon today became fledging from numerous Prophets and Messengers. Salat were offered celebration or usher different situations before everything re-packaged for the finality of Prophets of Allah-Muhammad (Qur'an 42:13).

The frequency of the word Masjid in the Glorious Qur'an amounts to twenty-eight (28). Two in the tally appeared as singular gerund of indefinite tone in a juxtaposition to six (6) same occurrence in plural form. However, the twenty places of definite plural occurrence scatterrd across the Glorious Qur'an.

Apart from the Haram Masjid in Makkah (Qur'an Bakkah) and that of the Aqsa in Jerusalem, the holy Messenger's masjid happens to be one of tripartite designated Masajid in Islamdom. Mention must be made before long that Muslim believers do not belong toMasjid in the manner at which Christian in particular do. Reason for this manot be far-fetched. The noble Messenger clarified that: "Part of what make difference between his Ummah (Community) and others is that Allah made all places in the land sacred as Masjid for them." It is to this end that is Muslims enjoy worldwide privilege of bumping into any Masjid for Salat irrespective of denominations obtainable.

Clarifying the roles of Masjid, a rhetorical question is asked regarding disapproval and discountenance of Masjid. Allah says: "And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places for worship of Allah. His name should be celebrated? -whose zeal is (in fact) to run them? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them there is disgrace in the world, and in the world to come, an exceeding torment (Qur'an 2:114).

Furthermore, roles of masjid include a place for discussing religious, military, socio-economic, political and legal matters. This is against issues of profane and jest talk. Indeed, the noble Messenger was reported to have guided us as: "Surely this Masjid  is not in any way good for people's talk except for remembrance of Allah and enjoining goodness and forbiddin evil."

Islamic history recorded Al-Azhar University as citadel and foremost University in the world even though out of jealous you may not found the mention of Al-Azhar in English Dictionary. Having began in the Masjid, it has served all walks of life ranging from administrative, architecture, astrology,  astronomy, medicine,  professional, skills and impactful, engineering, among others. World statistics reflect that Western knowledge centers could hardly survive without the impacts of Al-Azhar.

Coming back home, olden day crude voyage method of going on holy pilgrimage to Makkah often take a little longer up to three years. One year moving on foot, one year waitng for the next pilgrimage season and another year coming back home. It was on record that pilgrims often stop over at Al-Azhar to have passionate relationship with scholars in a bid to add or boast their residual knowledge. This forms bulk of charts and reports given to families and relatives on arrival.

Contemporary Masajid are in position to scaffolding and support Government efforts in the newly introduced nation-wide Education Curriculum to incorporate Skill Acquisition. This pen-ultimate decision was to forestall egregious situation whereby most Primary and Secondary School wounded leavers resort to the street to extort innocent cotizens who struggle to make ends meet. Odious of course and indeed horrible for an infact to block way an elderly Professional with a view to grab money from him.  It must be mentioned gere that the usual practice of introducing new innovation to the detriment of Religious Education appears not only counter-productive but also inimical to the conscience-like citizenry desirable for development and progress of the nation. Acting in this capacity would definitely enhance  socio-religious outlook of members in particular and the nation in general. This is nothing but patriotism and loyalty to the cause of humanity.

In a Hadith reported by Aishah (R.A) from her father Abubakar (R.A) and recorded by Abu Dawud (306), it says: "Should Allah desires the best for a leader, He gives him truthful lieutenant; if he forgets he reminds him and if he reminds him he is always helpful. And if He desires otherwise he is given bad lieutenant who reminds him not when he forgets and when he manages to remind him he is non-chalantant." 

This is where curtains will be drawn on this topic toll we meet again next week. Thanks for being there always and remain extremely blessed.

Dr Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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