Islamic Position on Female Circumcision

DAILY ISLAMIC REMINDER. Yawmul ahad, 5th day of RabeeulAwwal, 1446AH (Sunday, 8th September 2024). *_THERE IS NOTHING LIKE FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION IN ISLAM_*. BismilLah. 

Let's continue with our topic from yesterday's reminder in which I stated what scholars had said based on Quran and Sunnah that ALLAH did not said circumcision was only for male and no hadith said it's only for males and even mentioned some scholars knowledge about it so Before asking any questions please read the first reminder again and again and do your research to proof that what had been said is wrong according to Sharia then present your proof. 

So, what must be done in circumcising the girl? Very simple, really; all that is required is to remove the bit of dirty skin around her clitoris. This skin is like the foreskin of boys taken off at circumcision and breeds germs and gives out bad smells. So, what are its benefits?  A lot, really. It prevents smelly smegma buildup that causes infections. It prevents the occurrence of Urinary Tract Infections and it protects your partner since it prevents transmission of oral cancer-causing HPV to your spouse through oral sex if you ever think of indulging in it. Female foreskin, ew, take it off!

Is that all? No, there’s more to it! Circumcision by removing the female foreskin exposes the surface area of the clitoris for greater stimulation during sex, and this translates to greater sexual pleasure for ladies. Even posh American women are now going for it at a very costly cosmetic procedure known as hoodectomy paying thousands of dollars. They call it Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery Allahu Akbar. They say it is the removal or reduction of skin around the Clitoris to improve Clitorial Sensitivity. We know this from our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam over 1400 years ago, let's not be bias calling what muslims do as Mutilation. Yes, more education is required to teach and be trained on how to do it correctly but it's not Mutilation. 

Many clinics now offer Islamic female circumcision (Hoodectomy). Rumah Sunatan, Indonesia’s largest chain of circumcision clinics, now offers circumcision for girls as well. The Fatwa Committee of the Malaysian Government, the Central Islamic Council of Switzerland and the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama of Sri Lanka have all declared female circumcision as an obligatory duty for Muslim women. These developments are bound to change women’s attitudes to circumcision positively so that they choose it for themselves and their daughters, knowing that it is for their own good.

I end this brief piece with the hope and prayer that all Muslim women will be circumcised in the near future. It gives us beauty and barakah, and makes us a blessing to our ummah, like it did in the early days of Islam, the best days of Islam!
*_May ALLAH keep guiding us all and protects us from any satanic influences_*. Adam.

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