Depression; Causes, Effects and Solutions

*Depression* is a mood disorder that causes people to feel sad or hopeless for an extended period of time. 

It affected both young and elderly people. 

For some people it comes and goes while for others it may last longer.

*What causes depression?*
It is usually triggered off by life events that one considers stressful like relationship problems, loss of a loved one, illness, drugs or medication, or inherited traits.

*What are the symptoms?*
Depression is more than just normal temporary feeling of sadness associated with life’s unpleasant events. 

Common symptoms of depression include:
- Sad mood;
- Inability to enjoy activities;
- Problems concentrating;
- Changes in eating habits or appetite;
- Weight gain or weight loss;
- Changes in sleeping habits;
- Difficulty going  to work on taking care of your daily responsibilities because of lack of energy;
- Feeling of guilt and hopelessness; wondering if life is worth living (common );
- Slowed thoughts and speech;
- Pre-occupation with thought of death or suicide;
- Complaints that have no physical cause )somatic complaints ) such as headache and stomachache.

All these symptoms can interfere with your quality of life. 

Even if you do not have major depression, if you have experienced a few of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks, you may have a less severe form of depression that still requires attention.

*Treatment of Depression*
Depression is treated with professional counselling or antidepressant or a combination of the two. 

The latter is usually more effective.

When you feel you have one or more of the symptoms associated with depression, please see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Pay attention to your friends and family members. 

Research has it that most of those who commit suicide gave hints. 

People around them just didn't notice.

Has anybody ever said something like: "Ile aye su mi jare" (I am sick and tired of everything) and you dismissed it? 

Have you been close to someone who all of a sudden started withdrawing from people, brooding for long, started giving away things they treasured, stopped making plans?

Ask them pointedly if they are planning to commit suicide. 

You'd be surprised to learn how easy they will open up to you...because that's the opening they need in order to seek help.

And you yourself, seek help. 

I know everybody is quick to refer you to a professional psychologist or psychiatrist. 

But in our society where you can't even get help for malaria, how can you find such a professional? 

So, find a good friend, a good relative, a good neighbour, a good co-worker and talk to them.

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