Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

It is yet another season of Maolud Nabiy, the period when most Muslims world over celebrate the birth of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW).  This edition shall take on the theories and rationale for and against the celebration of the occasion. In addition is what should be focused on during Maolud Nabiyy celebration.

Meanwhile, several questions, actions and reactions trail the celebration in mention. That Maolud Nabiyy celebration enjoys wider ovation in contemporary Muslim world is no gainsaying but also that some thoughts of it as uncalled for. The latter's point appears that the noble Messenger did neither celebrate nor instruct Sahabah to do so. The former dwell on the point that if the Messenger had not celebrated in practice of today he made case towards its celebration as he did fast on Mondays which happened to be his day he was born. To this end,  there exists no argument regarding indication towards celebrating the birth of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW).

Instances abound where Scholarly exertions popularly known as Fatwa (Legal positions) give full support to its celebration. Bracing this position with the needs analysis of unfolding events and the position of Muslims as a unique entity to be reckoned with amidst the much becoming world plurality. Socio-economically, Islam as a religion maintains center-point of civilizations, the reasons being the need for dynamism particularly on issues related to multiplicity of choice. Susceptibility to dynamism, however, is neither a tie-lock to Islam nor nerve-fraying of sort. The manner of approach is to give a human face to issues and devoid of sycophancy.

Before long, Islamic Mystic history had it that the first person who pioneered Maolud Nabiyy celebration was Sayyid Budd. Record had that he sacrificed 1,000 camels, 1,000 cows, 1,000 Rams, 1,000 Chicken and species each in loving memory of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW). As a Hard-task Suffi magnate,  he showered wealth on chanters of praises of the Messenger. This offered the origin and modality for Maolud Nabiyy celebration which is followed by well-meaning adherents of various Islamic inclinations.

This nonetheless, for the celebration of Maolud to be within the framework of moderation it must follow laid down regulations. Against the backdrop of the common practice in this part of the clime where celebration of Maolud commences in Rabi'ul Awwal and dovetails into Ramadan month (six months), its moderate celebration should be limited to one day-off during the actual month of his birth. It appears the economic value of Maolud celebration tends to over-shadow the religious importance to a large extent. This gives the antagonists of its celebration plus to advance further arguments. Celebrating occasions like Maolud Nabiyy should be instrumental to recall of outlandish events that crowned the Messenger's efforts in his mission. This is done by enshrining stories of birth, upbringing, Prophet-hood and causes and effects of his un-equalled achievements. Rationally, it suffices to recall the parlance 'perpetuating a worthy matter requires subtle introducing such to young ones', and this is situation in Islam world-over.

Allowed mode of celebration incorporates recitation of the Glorious Qur'an, the Hadith of the Messenger, the Qasa'id (versified genres) and Historical scrutiny. Other things required to surface at Maolud Nabiyy celebration include fervent recall of his ascetic and modest life which eventually saw him to stardom coupled with the design of Allah (SWT). However, celebration of Maolud Nabiyy must be devoid of free and unnecessary mixing of opposite gender. Exotic praises of the noble Messenger must also be avoided on order not to fall victim of Jews and Christians' ploy to raise their Prophets beyond necessary proportion and even up to divinity (Wal 'yadhu bil Llah). This is warned against by the Messenger when he said: 'Raise me not to the unnecessary level just as Jews and Christians did to their Prophets.' This is self-explanatory.

To this end, celebrating Maolud Nabiyy would offer utmost benefit of reviving the golden heritage of Islam. It helps play down on plots and several onslaughts unconsciously planted into the fold of Islam by gladiators and sychophants, all in the name of seeking relevance and making themselves sellable. It also presents a platform for show-casing the beauty of Islamic mission un-diluted.

It may not be uncommon to find the Messenger addressed with various categorical names and appellations in the Glorious Qur'an. This offers appreciation of dept of love and friendship between the duo. To be candid, placing his name in addendum to that of Allah as occasioned in 'Shahadah' (Code of evidence) and as mentioned in Adhan and Iqamah appears incontrovertible level of success. This is aptly referred to by the Poet while extolling virtues of the Messenger when he placed on record: 'Ùˆ شق له من اسمه ليجله # وتلك محمود وهذا محمد  meaning: 'Of great admiration for him his name being evolved; To the former is Mahmud and the latter Muhammad.'

The holy Qur'an attests to this when Allah (SWT)  projects the noble Messenger for un-equalled virtues. Allah says; 'The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Book of Allah, than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs; nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest friends; such is the writing in the Book (of Allah) (Qur'an 33:6).

Above all, the best of righteousness in the one done to please Allah (SWT) particularly in Islam. Such gestures as the one done in honour and admiration of the personality of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW). Projecting this to have further reflection in both spiritual and mundane life affairs appears great emulation and portrayal virtuous characters of the noble Messenger. This is the highest expected outcome of Maolud Nabiyy celebration. Ruminating on the position of Din in order to forge ahead in its propagation is a duty every Mumin owes to Allah and the Messenger the purpose of which celebrating Maolud Nabiyy serves well. 

May Almighty Allah shower on the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) resounding blessing till eternity. While we count on expected prosperity from Maolud Nabiyy celebration, we wish the entire Muslims happy Maolud Nabiyy celebration and many happy returns. Till we meet during the next edition, thanks for your reading and remain blessed in the spirit of Maolud Nabiyy. Ma'as Salaamah.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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