Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
The best of gratefulness is due to Allah (SWT), the most Magnificent, ever Merciful. Abundant blessings of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad SAW, his household, Companions and all the sincere followers of his mission till eternity. Surely the best of all directives is the one given by Allah and the worst of derailments is that engineered by Shaytan that leads astray. May we be spared from such proportion.
Human guidance is hinged on continual deployment of agents and care-taker who take up the challenges of keeping people towards righteousness and moving them away from causes inimical to goals of creation (Q55:56). This defines the main duties of Prophets and Messengers of Allah on land. Since the concern here is the nomenclature of Prophets, let us quickly clarify the nature conceptual frame and distinctive barriers between Prophets and Messengers.
Allah (SWT) categorically declares in the Glorious Qur'an: 'Of some Messengers We have already told the story; of others We have not: - and to Musa Allah spoke direct.' Prophets are informed likewise Messengers. The striking difference appears only in the commissioning of Messengers to deliver messages to people who remain recalcitrant to the earlier divine order on ground with special text and constitution. This is attested to by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah. It suffices to add the apt comment of Imam Al-Ghazali: 'قلوب العارفين لها عيون # يري ما لال يراه العالمين Meaning:'Perhaps vision engulfs minds of knowledgeable; Conceptualizing numerous entreaties above other creatures.'
To this end, Ibn Abbas affirmed that: 'Not less than ten centuries time lapses existed between Prophets Adam and Nuh; yet they both dwelt on Islam.' Mention must be made that the sequential arrangements of Prophets and Messengers notwithstanding, there is no single Prophet or Messenger who came in isolation from the already existing platform. This is the central message of Qur'an 5:44: 'It was We who revealed the Taorah (to Musa): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the Prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah's Will, by the Rabbis and the Doctors of Law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's Book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My Signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by what Allah has revealed, they are Unbelievers.' This shows that each Messenger acts not different from the existing engagement.
Twenty-five of One twenty-four thousand, three hundred and thirteen Prophets are chronologically mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an, according to Ibn l Kathir (R A). They are Prophets Adam, Nuh, Idris,Hud, Salih, Ibrahim, Lut, Ismail, Ishaq, Ya'qub, Yusuf, Ayub, Shu'ayb, Musa, Harun, Yunus, Dawud, Sulayman, Ilyas, Alyasau, Zakatiya, Yahya, Isa, Dhul-Kifl and Muhammad (SAW) respectively. Among them are five Paramount Messengers (اولوالعزم من الرسل) namely: Prophets Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad, on whom be peace and blessings of Allah.
A critique of realm of Prophet-hood reflects not thorough-fare in their respective domains of calling. Great deal of traumatic experience greeted them to points of dismay. This testifies to the fact there is no Messenger sent to level-headed set of people is not far from truth. It however gives way to the twin-truce that: 'Though challenges make the bulk of experience of a man; Reliance on Allah for survival gives sustainable development. There is no single Prophet or Messenger who achieved on a platter of gold. The type of people targetted are often obstinate and unrepentant criminals. The episode of Prophet Salih comes to mind whose people's adamant disposition placed before their Prophet to bring them 'An-Naqah' Camel. But drama ensued when it was the turn of the camel to drink water. That of Nuh later harbingered flood tgat submerged the unbelievers. We can continue to name it.
To this end, Ruxton, F X, a French Commentator on Mukhtasar of Sayyid Kalil gave account of Prophets of Allah whose devotional activities were crystalized and remain memorable till date, particularly earlier Prophets who are tagged to each of the daily Salat. In his catalogue, Salatu Subh is to commemorate Prophet Adam's spontaneous discovery of self in brighter daylight and his observance of Two Raka'at (Tasbih). Salatu Zuhr is named after Prophet Ibrahim's joy of substitution of son with sacrificial ram.
Further more, Prophet Yunus (Dhu Nun) was delivered from the whale that swallowed him close to Asr period so he worshipped Allah same time for gratification. Salatu Maghrib occasioned from Prophet Isa and His Mother's acknowledgement of dependence on Allah to create ways amidst of turbulence. Finally at the end of the day, Prophet Musa arrived in Egypt safe and healthy from the stressful and anxiety laden journey from Madyan where he served Prophet Shu'ayb and got married to her daughter. Despite that this position appears Orientalist, the stuff is of fledging standard.
Recent trending information on Social Media on probable equating Super-human Element from an ethnic group in Nigeria i.e acclaimed Ancestor and positioning as part of Prophets un-mentioned and or re-positioning him for Adam appears nightmare. Of course, this Khutbah may not claim knowledge of exclusive prerogative of Prophet to Islam a premise that opens various hard-task masters across history to pseudo-recognition. Granted there exist wide varieties of Saints and People of sterling qualities across ages ang generations, history and historiology is to be applauded or otherwise in this respect.
Above all, no single human being is higher in status than another except by the power of illumination of mind which is the prerogative of Prophets and Messengers. Human imagination must not be seen as perfect to the extent of raising ordinary human standard whose terrain was incorrigible. However, this does not mean that Super-human beings are brought to disrepute in view of recognizing and worshipping Allah in sincerity. The window of Prophet-hood is far closed and to what extent is the stake of the fake, unpopular and self-styled Prophets and agents of doom permeating the land with ill-fated and misfortune predictions?
Drawing curtains here on the topic, the parting shot remains adherence to viable and sustainable development as against inimical and nefarious behaviours in the spiritual and mundane life. Till we meet again next week, thanks for your indulgence band remain abundantly blessed. Ma'as Salaamah.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja, Lagos State.