Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
All praise is due to Almighty Allah (SWT). Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his household, companions and all genuine followers of his mission till eternity. The global world experiences incongruences and the multiplying effects of which implant greatly on the security of virtually everything involving man. The omnipotent Allah gives ample causes for the turbulence and probable man's return to drawing board with a bid to chart new cause. He says: "Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the need) that the hands of men have earned, that (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from evil) ) Qur'an 30:41)".
With the acute imbalance, chaos, upheaval in the social, religious, political and economic spheres of life in recent time, the world peace initiatives appear globally threatened. Tremendous reasons can be aduced for this recurring abysmal situation. Part of which could be alienation, oppression, enslavement and persecution. In some other climes, abuse of Human Rights and or Duties, entitlement mentality, unemployment of youth, unemployable training (non-skill) and escalation of cost of training. Tyrannical tendencies from leaders, un-listening leadership, self-centeredness, hunger, roles abdication and miscreant chauvinism.
To a large extent, the effects of these misnomer are better imagined in contemporary society than experienced. Incessant break down of law and order, protest, riot, looting, vandalism and large scale violence result. Confrontation to leaders, revolt and taking to one's destiny which culminate in atrocious militias such as MEND, Boko Haram, OPC, Area Boys/Fathers/Mothers whose stock in exchange is no other than violent attack and unleashing terror.
Besides, right thinking from sound mind would not but ask serial questions which translate to 'how on earth did we get to this point of no mercy?' Reasons, I mean reasons may not be far-fetched. Human society is bedevilled with the pallance that: 'The only lesson that man from history is that he learns but nothing.' This among other pride man to clueless and unfocused entity. This is in contra-distinction to admirable and responsive dispositions capable of inheriting him pride of personality. A poet aptly exclaimed: خير الناس ذو نسب قديم # يقيم لنفسه نسبا جديدا meaning: 'Admirable personality establishes not in meeting a legacy; but also striving to perpetuate same in turn to multiplicity.
The aftermath of socio-political and religious vices from the cross-section of leader and followers and vice versa paints a proverbial picture of 'giant rat at point of static turning to shell the farmer' which is sarcastically rendered as "T'o ba ya; Okete a maa yinbon s'oloko'. Much of the hullabaloo in contemporary society is occasioned by leadership ill-direction at home, community, society, state and the nation at large.
Good instance is craving to enslave relatives in need in the family at the instance of biological issues. Against the background of holy Messenger's call for lending helping hand in case of him being given difficult task (Hadith). It is rather saddening that the biological issues in most cases turn out to be less useful. Some couple of years back, a post trended on social media with title 'Groom now prefer our maid than our daughters'. This was as a result of the manner of training on house choir and other mannerism the maid is subjected to at the expense of spoilt biological daughters. Many a time some maid turn out to replace Madam after her eventual demise as a result of familiarity of the issues and the difficulty to cope with life challenges after their mother.
Another socio-economic instance is a situation whereby members of family indulge in loafing around unproductively. Craving to have money from means far from legitimate sweat and or reaping off others of their hard-earned money to meet daily need. Area boyism that become entrenched in our polity resulted from unnecessary phobia for skilled work. This is aside from cost of learning and establishing a trade. The alarming rate of youth becoming Louts (Touts) appears worrisome. 'Collecting money in the name of booking at the motor park' in this part of the country spells doom to future development.
To this end, the 'Ghana Must Go' of early 1980s which later turn 'Nigerians Must Go' soon after the Ghanaian economy boom is a pointer and call for a big lesson. Some years back, in South Africa, Xenophobic Attack was carried out on Immigrants who were accused of benefitting in virtually all economic meadow. Currently in United Kingdom, something similar is going on on Immigrants who were becoming influential by virtue of hardworking and industry. In Yorubaland too, the question coming to mind is 'Are we not postponing evil days?'.
The implying meaning of Ibn Abbas position is not unrealistic considering the above painted scenario. He said: 'You cannot get the appropriate interpretation of Qur'an, rather time and period bests interprete same to your understanding.' The central meaning of the beginning of Suratul Waqi'ah (Qur'an 56:1-3) suffices here on the impending doom that might swallow unjust leadership only to replace them in no time with yet unknown elements. Yemen just sworn in another leader (Yunus Hasan) after the former leader flee. Kenya is yet in turmoil, Nigeria may appears in the horizon if some things structural are neglected. Saudi Arabia, if care is not taken, might soon fall for democratically elected leadership to replace monarchical.
Nonetheless, part of the solutions putting in place worthwhile, selfless, examplar and listening leaders. Basic Infrastructure leading to cross-cutting citizens development to infuse their sense of belonging and encouraging dignity of labour must be actioned. The metamorphic wages in the nation must graduate from N18, 000 in 2011, N30, 000 in 2016 and just approved but yet to be paid N70, 000 to living wage considering cost living. It is no longer a news that a bag of 50kg of rice goes for between N70, 000 to N80, 000. The total take home can hardly take a Nigerian anywhere!
Above all, priorities must be properly set to endear what is needed from what is wanted. Tackling root-causes of issues of economy apart from the offshoot paints a picture of a fire fighter in his professional duty to extinguish fire addresses and targets the fire source and not the flame. Enough of being tribalistic is equally important. Considering home-grown solutions to local issues is viewed more catalyst in the view of this write-up. However, it is not unimportant to pad all issues with spirituality just as prayer and seeking genuine spiritual guidance appears main solace to not only spiritual but also a matter of profane.
Till we meet again in another edition, thanks for taking part of your time to read. Remain abundantly blessed. Ma'as Salaamah.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.