Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

All praise is due to Almighty Allah. May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the holy Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his household, companions and the entire Believers and followers of his mission till the day of judgement. As Muslims, we are moved by the Hadith of the noble Messenger which says: 'Whoever feels unconcerned with the situation of Muslims is absolutely not part of them.' This indicates that humanity takes priority then being Muslims follows in the way matters are handled in all spheres of life politically, religiously, socially and in other aspects. 

Our concern this week on this forum is the political situation which culminated in protest against hunger in the nation. This came about after series of admonitions and pacification which seem to have landed in futility. In the last two editions, efforts were made to reflect on the causative and possible reasons for this ill-fated dis-harmony which stares us on the face. Most of the political reasons were attributed to unpalatable policies by the Government of the day, according to some thoughts. While others hold some reasons which might not be fledging to this forum, the contention remains that the planned hunger protest had started with its much warned about attendant anarchy and calamity. 

Before long, what is hunger, why is it ravaging the land, could there be solutions to hunger, what comes after hunger protest? These and other questions linger on from commentators and concerned and well-meaning Nigerians. Hunger is various categories and its beyond stomach content at one point or another. Hunger comprises of dearth and or possible inadequate provisions for essential facilities such as food, clothes, shelter, security, jobs and lot more in the class of provisions for life. The main causes of these may be among others famine, war, revolution, ecological disasters among several other factors which are natural and human artificial.

Before responding to the above question, it suffices to dwell into duties and responsibilities of a worthwhile administration. Leadership entails being just, transparent, responsive, all involving, de-tribalistic, security of lives and properties ensured, better administration, fulfillment on the promise made, consultative in principles and practice, equality and equity and rule of law dully followed. A leader who delivers in these realms deserves un-alloyed goodwill from the subjects. These are basic rights due to followers from the leader. 

On the contrary, there are main rules acrueable to leaders from the followers. These include but not limited to i. Obedience within the confine of halal and not sinful premise; 'There is no obedience for a creature in a matter leading to offense of the Creator.' ii. No confrontation whatsoever; for the Hadith of the Messenger from Ibn Mas'ud recorded: 'Whoever dislikes something from his leader should be patient; for whoever goes in confrontation to his leader dies utterly ignorant.' Concluding these rights and duties, tge Messenger remarked: 'Give them their rights and pray to Allah to claim for you your rights from them.'

Furthermore, checks and balance between followers and leader takes mutual corrective measures. An in case mutual approaches fail, followers toll the pattern of supplications to Allah not only to retract the leader on a proper way but also to retrieve from him numerous rights due to followers. This is the highest level a leader should not wait for before according follower their rights. In this manner, tge noble Messenger said: 'Inna Llah layumli lizalim hatta idha akhadhahu lam yuflit-hu', meaning: Verily Allah is always watchful of a oppressor untill a point of no excuse when he is eventually caught.'

It is on the note of these complementary responsibilities that a popular Hadith of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) maintains: 'Verily, verily religion is an advice. When asked, 'for whom, he replied: 'for Allah, the Books, the Messengers, Leaders of Muslim and of course their generality. '
To this end, Allah declares categorically in the holy Qur'an 4:58: 'Allah does command you to render back your trusts to those to whom they are due; and when you judge between people that you judge with justice: verily how excellent is the teaching which He gives you! For Allah is He Who hears and sees all things.' In the same manner, Allah maintains: 'O ye who believe! obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best, and most suitable for final determination. (Qur'an 4:59).'

Protest of any kind appears anti-Islamic and Muslims are warned against such. This follows the theme of the holy Messenger Muhammad (SAW) which bears relative warning on conflict and misunderstanding. From Anas bn Malik (R. A) that the holy Messenger said: 'Do not rancor, do not envy, do neither turn against one another nor severe relationship but be brethren in accord in Allah. It befits not a Muslim to bear grudge against fellow brother beyond three days rather the best of the two is the one that starts the other with Taslim.' The Hadith is self-explanatory.

To sum up, Muslims are warned against any form of anarchy as it engenders dis-harmony which eventually hinders progress. For Allah maintains in the Hadith Qudsiy that 'Verily Allah forbids oppression for Himself and thereby making same forbidden for you.' From the provision of this Hadith, it is crystal clear that being in harmony with Allah is a perfect way to not only spiritual but also mundane felicity. This is the central message of Allah's statement in Qur'an 8:46 which says: 'And obey Allah and His Messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest you lose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.'

Till we meet again next week. Thanks for your patience and remain blessed.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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