Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
Praise be to Allah the Sole Sustainer of man and his Up-keeper. Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon the soul of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his entire household and Companions and all reverred followers till the Day of judgement. The last fourteen hundred and forty-five years ago witnessed triumphant entry of Prophet Muhammad into Yathrib changing its nomenclature to the city of the Messenger. This was done with euphoria of joy and fulfillment of purpose and a mission almost accomplished.
Notwithstanding, the success story of Hijrah was not without challenges. For the sacred fact that fighting a Tiger must be memoired with long-life scars and bruises on one hand, and human inclinations impacting directly on the aftermath on the other hand. This portends great lesson of difference between dealing with inanimate objects and dealing with men in human categories.
However, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) was not mindful of the fact that perfection is exclusive prerogative of Almighty Allah Whose overt knowledge and care supercede others'. This is the central theme of Allah's statement in Qur'an 18:110 which says: 'Proclaim: I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your God is One God: whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness , and in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner." This is self-explanatory.
In what would serve the purpose of this edition as indicated in the above title, some events unfolded towards the end of life of the Messenger which call for continuous replication of the Ummah even years after the Messenger. Allah (SWT) alludes to this in Qur'an 33:21 by saying: "You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Final Day, and who remember Allah much."
To start with, the noble Messenger stood up to address congregation on the mosque on this fateful day. His address reads: 'Whoever might have been offended by smacking his back in the journey together so far, here I offer my back for him to seek revenge; and whoever might have been offended through ill-talk should come forward to seek redress.' To a large extent, people maintained cemetery silence!
He sooner posited further saying: 'Verily indeed you all testify that neither waywardness nor falsehood was my intrinsic character. Nay, the best loved to me among you is he who seeks redress from me on any human miscalculation possibly done towards him, or he forgets same so that I meet Allah in perfect condition and plain mind! ' Perfect and astonishing silence was still maintained.
A mild but bold Companion, Fadil (R.A) placed on record that the Messenger descended from the podium to observe Salatu z Zuhr after which he went back to his former position to continue his address. Thereupon a man stood up and said: O Allah's Messenger: 'I have three Dirham with you', and He asked Fadil to return the amount to him.
Sequel to this, the Messenger maintained that: "Anyone who has trust on him should return it, and he should be ashamed for to be ashamed alive is milder to being ashamed in the hereafter! To this end, a man stood up saying, O Allah's Messenger, 'I have three Dirhams I scooped from the proceeds of 'Fi sebili Llah fund'. When asked the reason for its misappropriation he said, I was in dire need of it then.' The Messenger said: 'Take same from him O Fadil'.
From the above narratives, Believers stand to learn a lot of lessons. i. Addressing miscalculations to right the wrong before long. ii. Rule of righteousness does not respect any personality; no sacred cow. iii. Slighted members are empowered to seek redress. iv. Level playing ground should be allowed between leaders and led. v. Due consideration is taken for impact making. vi. Leadership by example is the watchword in Islam. vii. Leveraging on master-follower grid, each member enjoys fulfilling enterprise. viii. Example of this situation should give pride to Believer as point of emulation.
Above all, Believer stand to address the following as take away from this edition. i. Ensuring nobody falls for you to rise. ii. Fulfil to extent but sabotaging others. iii. No one should go down for you to rise. iv. No one should be put to shame for you to smile. v. You have every avenue to rise optimally. vi. No deriving satisfaction in causing pain for others. vii. Your wish for others is a prayer for you. viii. Be a fore that lights others. ix. No causing pain. x. Let fear of Allah guide your days. These are paths to true peace, influence and meaningful loving.
Summarily, as Believers more spiritual incision at this particular period of time is pragmatically necessary. Believer needs to offer spiritual prayer at the point of transiting to the new year. After two Raka'ats of naflah, recite preliminary steps to supplication then, recite الفتاح Al Fattah (308 times) الرزاق Ar- Razzaq 489 times. This is recited at the beginning of new Hijrah year.
We wish you a very happy new 1446 Hijrah year in advance. We draw curtain on this edition. Till we meet again during the next edition, thank you for your constant support. Remain blessed and Ma'as Salaamah.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.