Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

The arrow of today's khutbah centers around the unpalatable state of affairs among the people of South west Nigeria. The Agric-based economic boom that gave the ethnicity the pride of place among committee of nations appear a relic of its old status. The education of a citizen from this part of the nation used to be a conglomerate of books, implements and moral character. An abysmal deviation from the status  is responsible for the insecurity of food, dignity of labour and above all uncertainty in the prospect of incoming generation. 

On the 1st of March, 2024 precisely on this forum, our edition took on the comparative analysis of some countries' economy in relation to Nigeria. Top of the the mentioned nations was Republic of Malaysia which came to Nigeria in 1973 to tech-transfer palm oil plantation and samples of palm kernel were given in the process. That came up on admiration of cash crop of this section of the nation. It is unfortunate today that while Malaysia appears in the world economic dashboard as the largest palm oil exporting nation, Nigeria's palm oil sector had been relegated to zero. The same edition also did mention the Rwanda's auto-mobile invention resulting in manufacturing maiden Rwandan pleasure car just after the ravaging civil wars of 1990s. While  Volkswagen bus stop gives the reminiscence of one time car manufacturing plant in Lagos and Kaduna relics of Peugeot Assembly of Nigeria (PAN). Who did this to us?

Nay, no one but it is a self inflicted ailment! Arewa's unrepentant zeal for sendentry farming, menial job and business and dogged loyalty in sub-serving others remains sustained till date. The Igbos are known for business of commodities and auto-spare parts and logistics in grocery, building and utensils materials. The Yoruba's heritage of farming, skill work and morally disposition culminating in dignity of labour subsided for abnormal and obnoxious quest for wealth through indolence and fanned by sense of entitlement! It must be remembered that part of the reasons why Xenophobia thrived in South Africa lately was that indigenous citizens appear loafing around in opulence while aliens submerged almost every available job opportunity to create wealth. To some extent, the aliens were seen welding influence to have acquired properties and let out same to indigenes!

In Yoruba parlance, 'Omoluwabi' is he who is learned, industrious, diligent, focus and morally upright. Can we get the concise measurement of these qualities in most of the Yoruba citizens today? Nay! What can be found today is rather disgusting and frustrating trend. The most alarming part of it all is the inordinate lust for money which made most elements see not beyond the today's reality. Selling most of the landed properties to the aliens in the name of ABC Homes, SLT Factory and XYZ Money bag leaving the birth rights to be be controlled by aliens in the land of origin is not only barbaric but annihilating. It must be noted that following this abysmal trend is one of the means employed by  Conquerors to carry out ethnic cleansing. Are we sure that the other factor
 which is 'War' proper is not even around the corner? 

Prodigal Sons and Daughters! This attitude is in contra-distinction to the the central theme of a line of poetry which says: خير الناس ذو نسب قديم    #   يقيم لنفسه نسبا جديدا 
Meaning: 'The best moral uprightness is not only inheriting a legacy; but propagating same for renewed sustainable admirality.' There is no doubt that Yorubas' disposition to morality which is deep-rooted in the concept of 'Omoluwabi' is becoming a thing of the past. A situation whereby parents aid and albeit shudy practices with younger generation is a gross misappropriation abdication of responsibilities.

Granted man needs wealth to survive in this economic reality, threading with caution should be watchword. Late President Nkrumah of Ghana Republic put on record a corrupted and sarcastic rendition of a Biblical verse saying: 'Seek yee first the political dominion every other things shall be added unto you.' This statement gives Yoruba Muslim a sense of necessity to join political activities and play same with utmost sense of nobility in order to change the old story of 'Politics is a dirty game'. Is it not high time they also into politics to sanitize the architecture?  Leaving political enclave to the other people entirely has given a reality starring us on the face. A situation whereby the Apex and point man of 'CAN OF WORMS' happens to be the first right hand man of the 'Muslim' overall leader of the nation is a signal. The question is 'Can Muslim on the street status bring anything tangible for Yoruba ☺️Muslim on the long run?' 'Your friend indeed is he  who allies with others to deny what belongs to you on the long run.' 

All the above is premised on the solution statement given by Allah (SWT) in Qur'an 28:77 which is based on four main keys. It says: 'But seek, with the (wealth)  which Allah has bestowed on you, the Home of the hereafter, nor forget your portion in this world: but do you good, as Allah has been good to you, and sees not (occasions for) mischief in the land; for Allah loves not those who do mischief.' The four key points do not only apply to the hereafter but also the next couple of days, weeks, months, years and decades. For what goes around comes around. Yoruba Muslims must fasten belt to stand up to realities of getting morally upright and training children on such pedestal. Omoluwabi concept is broad beyond imagination at it encompasses embracing all manners of goodness as against shunning all evil. 

For this to be achieved, there is need for re-engineering and re-adjustment in disposition towards self, others and the holiness unseen as well. 'The fear of Allah is the beginning of wisdom'. This adage bothers on giving reverence to the Divine in all dealings and to disregard nefarious practices. Keeping good company leads to better assurance of quality behaviour. Offering Salat at appropriate time portends subservience to the Creator- Allah. Seeking knowledge of worth to self and others is admirable. Avoiding annoyance is capable of giving you clear indication and way out as hinted by the Messenger Muhammad (SAW).

Other ways to be closer to solution to the enunciated issues include moderation in every thing i.e spending, speaking and behaving. Service to humanity inherits unimaginable favour before man and Allah. Judicious use of time will cut down if not eradicate unnecessary time wastage on non-productive ventures and leisure. Involvement in rewarding ventures puts you on the way to success. Above all, moving beyond imagination in life cannot leave behind prayer. Across ages and generations, it has proved to be unfailing and stand-by generator that sustained the great people and nations. 

Summarily, remaining focus all the time on the pedestal of good legacy should be watchword to avoid being carried away by cause(s) of distraction. In a lay-man's language, 'the remaining sun can still be used to dry clothes'. Most importantly, several other factors need being addressed including leisure, argument and unnecessary envy. These are contained in the following line: ان الفراغ والجاد والحسد # مفسدة الانسان اي مفسدا Meaning: 'Verily, leisure, argument and jealous; annihilate gruesomely than any others.' Yoruba Muslims should stop buying into indolence, lethargy and pride in the name of original land owners else,  most valuable things would be sniffed out of their possession.

Till we meet again in the next edition. Thank you for being there always tolerating our ignorance. We know next to nothing and Allah (SWT) knows best. Ma 'as Salaamah. 

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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