Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
Praise be to Almighty Allah Who made some days special for purposeful duties towards Him alone. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the soul of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his household, Companions and the rightful followers till the end of life. Being the last Jum'at in the month of Dhul-Qi'dah (11th month) we hope we remain alive till next moth and beyond.
The rites of Hajj is spectacular in the lives of Muslims for complete obedience and unalloyed loyalty towards Allah. For, one main thing Allah commands is being in attunement with dos and don'ts.
The month of Dhul-Hijjah is loaded with spiritual duties for both Hajj operators and those celebrating Eidul Kabir at home. For the Hajj operator and every other person is offering regular Salat at the appropriate time. While the noble Messenger SAW said: "There is such duty as fulfilling before Allah than the ones He made compulsory." A Companions once asked the Messenger that 'if I say Salat at the right time, offer Zakat and Sawm, fulfilling all righteousness and shunning all evils, shall I enter paradise? He said in affirmation, 'Yes'.
The first ten days of next month are those in which the summary of all Ibaadat are gathered. For those at home, fasting for the first nine days in meritorious. The Arafat day is unique for fasting and prayer for all except Hajj operators. The 10th day is the day of Eidul Kabir whereby sacrificing animals for Allah is ordained.
It is important to note that the noble Messenger once hinted that 'There is no duty as rewarding before Allah on this very day than sacrificing animal, for for every drop of blood from the slaughtered animal is a reward, for every single hair dropping for the animal is a reward.' Therefore, neither your sacrificial animal meat nor its blood is desirable before Allah. It is both religiously and humanly advisable not to hoard the meat. Giving meat in charity to relatives, neighbours, beggars and the timid serves the purpose of sacrificing animal during the Sallah.
In a similar token, Allah (SWT) categorically declares in the holy Qur'an 9:36 that: 'Surely the number of months recognized before Allah are twelve on which rest the creation of the world, four of which ate sacred, transgress not in them.... " These sacred months are the last month Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'dah Dhul-Hijjah (10th, 11th &12th months and Rajab the 7th month of the year.
Equally important during the month of Hajj is more of recitation of holy Qur'an for the reciters and of course nothing stops a Muslim from learning the recitation for its meritorious Ibaadah value. Allah (SWT) says: 'Indeed We have made easy the holy Qur'an for remembrance, hope you are going to take admonition.'
Summarily, the essence of all this is for a Mu'min to endear himself to rewarding undertaking and shunning waywardness. Of what benefit is an offence commitment and refusal to abide in Allah's injunctions. Allah (SWT) give parallel choice option between felicity and doom, Al-Jannah and An-Nar. He (SWT) urges the Messenger to:'Tell My servants who had in one way or the other wronged themselves, do no despair in Allah's favour, for Allah (is capable of) writing off all sins committed and that He is the Most Forgiving Most Merciful (Qur'an 39:53).
Servants of Allah, remember in earnest three spectacular points of positive admonition abd another three negative points of admonition often reiterated every week on Mimbarr. You all can identify goodness and benevolence and giving unto kins and relatives; just as you should shun as you dislike indecency, lewdness and wickedness. Therefore taking heed should not be impossible for in doing so you stand prosperity for that is the highest level of remembrance.
Till we meet again in the next edition, thank you for your reading. Happy Eidul Kabir in advance.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.