Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

The life of a Mu'min is a potential proverbial garden mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an which capable of giving viable produces at appropriate period without hindrance. Supplying it with necessary wherewithall is to live above likely impediments part of which are enunciated in this edition. An enviable sojourn is the one in which steady progress is achieved with great potential of benefitting self and others.

Allah (SWT) says in the Glorious Qur'an 72:26-28: "(He is) the Knower of the unseen, and He reveals unto none His secret. Save unto every Messenger whom He has chosen, and then He makes a guard ti go before him and a guard behind him. That He may know to hat they have indeed conveyed the messages of their Lord. He surrounds all their doings and He keeps-counts of all things." These Ayat place premium on life goals dully guided by the Creator of heaven and earth, Allah SWT) even though human being is taken on choice in all ramifications.

However, there are seven keys to viable human development including living above impediments of: 
i. (At-Taswif) Procastination. Living above Procastination (continual deferring an undertaking till it becomes nearly impossible) is closer to achievements of desired objective because every single feat is time bound i.e based on dire begin dire win approach and a journey of a thousand kilometer begins with a step. It suffice to site the example of fasting for six days during the month of Shawwal after Ramadan. At the count of seventeen, postponing this till the end of the month denies him a reward of a year fasting as admonished by the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW).

ii. (Kathratu n Naom) Too much sleep. Sleep is a natural instinct meant to invigorate human body to ward off effects of boredom and stress. Yet, its application at the right time makes the body enjoy the rigour of work and being active on  the field. Excessive sleep inherits brain dull and development of abnormal bodily mechanical bull-cheet. The body resists any means of preasure and this boils down on unnecessary preasure on the body.

iii. (Al-Khawf) Excessive Fear often leads to lack of confidence. As a means to getting skillful and being productive, it sets the bearer on perpetual failure. A good instance is when an inconfident person is in position to offer counsel om a skill he is deprived as a result of excessive fear. He ultimately impacts nothingness.

iv. (Al-Hawa) Self Except. This is capriciousness. He who takes only to his rational thinking to despise others appears to be self-confused, uncoordinated and utterly prone to retrogression. This is because taking good counsel, to him, is a non-profitable undertaking. His shallow thought leads him to catastrophy.

v. (Al-Kasal) Lethargy is another impediment to be overcome if someone is to prosper. A lethargic fellow lacks self-will which is integral to interest as catalyst to human endeavour. The sayings go thus: 'Where there is will there is power.' Lethargy is closer to epidemic which decimates human cycle.

vi. (Al-Ghadab) Paranoia is another killer of instinct leading to outright development. Unnecessary annoyance leads to negative thoughts part of which is depression and possible untimely death. It makes the matter worse by transfer of aggression on innocent others resulting from lack of direction. Totalitarian development needs to expunge the traces of paranoia and  engaging Istighfar (Seeking forgiveness) is recommended.

vii. (At-Tabti'i) Laziness is lack of agility required to meet a challenge. Footdragging in a matter sends signals of laziness and it is capable of dampen the morale if not cautioned in good time. It is an impediment that needs to be overcome.

It is against this backdrop that positive development of human being is achieved. This is summed up poetically thus: 'و من رام ان العزة تلقى بلا عنى # فقد شابه المجمون في العقل فا عبر  meaning: 'The highest insanity is it not expecting # greatness with little or no toiling.'

Till we meet again during the next edition, thanks for being there and remain abundantly blessed.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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