Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Eidul Fitri celebration is symbolic in the life of Muslims all over the world. The occasion ushers in the 10th month of the lunar calendar, (Shawwal) as the first of the three months of Hajj operation. Customarily, sighting of the crescent is awaited for the Sallah_ celebration to be declared. This happens on the completion of 29th or 30th day of Ramadan.

This occasion takes paramount the giving of Zakatul Fitri (Zakat given on common staple food) on every individual on whom responsibilities of feeding is borne during Ramadan. The Shari'ah quantity is a 'Sa'i' which is four 'Mudd' equivalent to three Derica or fourteen milk cup of the item. This defines the variance in prices of commodities useful for Zakat offering according to locations in terms of prices of products in question.

Before long, Ramadan fast offered Muslims tremendous opportunities which should be perpetuated beyond the holy month. A complete spiritual rebirth of Muslims is occasioned through unblemished fast from dusk to dawn, Taraweeh_ genuflection after Salatul Ishai, Tahajjud Nawafil in the night, Sahur (night meal) as integral to Muslim fast and of course Iftar (break fast) at dawn of fast day. All these project care for self and others in a bid to crave for both vertical and horizontal worship. While the former connects a Muslim directly with Allah (SWT) the latter connects him indirectly by impacting on others to attract reward.

More often than not, Ramadan presents Muslims with forgiveness of sin, un-equal blessing accomplishment, prayer accepted. The pedestals for the golden opportunity include fasting in line with the frontline generation as a symbol of unison of way of life. Others include the blessing of Laylatul- Qadri (Night of Majesty) the reward of worship which equals to that of 1,000 months (83 years 4 months); and the descent of Malak (plural of Malaikah (Angels)) to succor the world in the peculiar night and for herking unto supplications till the day break. Part of the assurance to meet the criteria for night of majesty is the I'tikaaf (Ramadan Retreat) held during the last ten days of Ramadan for no definite indication towards the actual night. Staying all day and night gives the opportunity of meeting the provision offered in the night.

Ramadan came and went off in its ephemera but left taints and lessons to be contented with afterall. The closure of doors leading to An-Nar (Hell) as reflected in beating to close to 0% devil-driven outfits like alcoholism and adultery and fornication among others and opening doors of Al-Jannah (Paradise) as reflected in trailing the ways of Sages and Saints during Ramadan as incarnated in knowledge seeking and complete spirituality notwithstanding, Muslims are faced with several questions of moral value of either taking permanent to the Ramadan - imbued way or going back to the former abandoned way of devil.

To this end, it must be remembered that Allah (SWT) that was solely adored and worshipped during Ramadan suffices always and remains challant and dedicated to accept rewarding feats and accept prayers from anyone who deems fit to chanel request towards HIM. Lots of glorification trailing the completion of Ramadan fast is to show appreciation towards Allah for guidance and opportunity of worshipping HIM alone appears the main import of Glorious Qur'an 2:185. On a similar vein, Allah's assurance to accept all supplications is promised based on proviso that turning to and staying in HIS preferred way can only inherit Muslims not only eternal blessing but also mundane accomplishment. Allah (SWT) declares categorically that: 'And when My servants question you concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he cries unto Me! So let them hear My call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led aright (Qur'an 2:187).

Above all, the noble Messenger (SAW) once reported that:"Allah is constantly in the habit of  descending to the least fermament (Sama'u) during the last one-third of every night, asking: 'Who is there to seek forgiveness of sin and I forgive him; who is there placing prayer request before ME and I respond by approving of his request.' This is the highest honour given to Muslims and non-Muslims alike who crave to offer supplications during the night.

Summarily, the spiritual cleansing Muslims enjoyed at the completion of Ramadan fast provides similitude of a brand new car and its owner. Yes a tear-rubber vehicle with manual guide and tools useful for not only its efficiency but also for durability. The owner sharked and basking in the euphoria of joy, putting the contraption on the 3rd Mainland Bridge to Lekki, Lagos 7 days a week was found not opening the burnet not to talk of checking the water level, oil, transfusion fluid  and hadroilic. His concern is fuel guage and dusting the windscreen. For good six month of premium service, an eventuality occured on the 3rd Mainland Bridge when out of the owner's un-careful attitude, broke down, got tolled with the owner by Task Force in charge of broken down vehicles to an interior part of Lagos Island and subjected to several 'assault' in the hands of touts. The vehicle was only released after settlement of huge fine and thorough repair along with demorage.  

This shows that for a Muslim to avoid eventual break down in spirituality,  Ramadan offered great opportunity to do annual routine check for recuperation, regeneration and re-engineering. To cling unto this way, Muslim need to observe Sittah Shawwal (6 days of fast in Shawwal) as addendum to Ramadan. Monday and Thursday fasting is also meritorious. Ayamu-biid (13th, 14th and 15th days of Lunar months) is also a perfect ground for supplication with fast. These make a perfect eleven day superrogatory fasting on a conscious Muslim. Not only that, the crave for knowledge acquisition which was heightened in Ramadan should be sustained while mosques and Muslim entities and principalities should sustain tempo of periodic lectures, media houses should do more of periodic Islamic enlightenment, feeding of hungry as shown in Ramadan is also encouraged and giving relief to less privileged is seen as a virile ground for civility and spirituality.

It suffices to add that Believers should avoid being attuned to only Ramadan fast, rather they should be lovers of Allah by carrying out His injunctions. This is the central theme of the Prophetic tradition which says: 'لا تكونوا صومانيين، بل كونوا ربانيين.' More importantly, the exit of Ramadan usually give  Ahlu Llah (Friends of Allah among Believers) sleepless night for they know not the type that comes final.

Till we meet during the next edition, Eidun Mubaarak. Ma'as Salaamah.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch, Lagos State.

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