Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Sequel to the normal encomium on the deserving principalities, this week Khutbah would take on yet another spectacular feat in the spiritual architecture of Islam. Dated back to the period of Nabiyyu Llah Ibrahim (Alayhi s Salaam (AS)) who doubled as father of unitarian faith across board and an acclaimed intimate (Khalil) of Allah (SWT), it offers Muslims best opportunity to recycle, re-engineer, restitute and of course re-invigorate for the task ahead during Hajj operation and the new Hijrah year. 

First and foremost, it is essential to center act of worship towards Allah (SWT) alone in all intent, motive and purpose. It is on this basis that further accomplishment is assured and achievements further crystalized. Allah confirms that in Qur'an 65:2. He says: "For sure He is discrete in everything with appointed and unfailing  realization."

It serves a great poser to the Believers not to underestimate the power of Allah to annul, overlook, forgive and forget indecent manners of human. Despair has no basis in strong belief and being optimistic which characterize genuine attunement with Allah. This is the main import of Allah's declaration that: "Oh My Servants who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Surely, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." The indication from the quoted Ayah shows that a period of restitution never eludes Believers and that I'tikaf period offers buoyant avenue for proper reconciliation with Allah Who is ever-ready to forgive sins committed.

Anthological wise, report had that an Israelite man worshipped Allah in obedience for twenty years and disobeyed Allah for the same number of years but said to Allah: "If I can come back, will you receive me?" He was replied that: "You followed, We accepted you, you disobeyed We forgot you, when you come back We will accept you." 

In what appears as the rudiments of I'tikaf, Allah (SWT) concerned Nabiyyullah Ibrahim to prepare the holy sanctuary (Ka'bah) in Makkah in readiness for the multitude of Believers with purpose of  Tawwaf (circumambulation), I'tikaf (Seclusion), Ar- Rukka'i As-Sujud (Bowers  in prostration) for Allah. It offers:" And (remember) when We prepared for Nabiyyullah Ibrahim the place of the holy (House), saying: Ascribe nothing as partner unto Me, purify House for those who make the round (thereof) and those who bow and make prostration." It follows to mention that Nabiyyullah Zakariya (Qur'an 19:7) and the blessed Maryam (Qur'an 3:37) (mother of Prophet Isa (AS)) took examples from the precedence of Nabiyyullah Ibrahim and their supplications were dully answered. This shows that I'tikaf is not only a Sunnah from Nabiyyullah Ibrahim but also that Believers stand tremendous benefits by remaining loyal to the course.

As addendum to Ramadan and prelude to Laylatu Qadr, I'tikaf is institutional in view of the fact that the exact  Laylatul Qadr (Night of Majesty) is shrouded in mystery as it remains indefinite even to the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW). Purportedly being recognized during the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, Believers are utterly exhorted to hold on mundane activities for only spiritual devotion during the last ten days of Ramadan. This is for the purpose of meeting up with the spiritual benefits of the Laylatul Qadr.

For the place and conditions attached, Allah declares in Qur'an 2: 187 that: " ... And touch your women not while you are at your I'tikaf devotion in the Masjid...." Explaining this portion of Allah's statement, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) declared that: "Whoever wants to perform I'tikaf should do
so during the last ten days of Ramadan." The provision of the tradition is realized in different occasions of transmission. The main purpose is to en-living the Sunnah, propagating the religion of Allah and sharing the feeling with the noble Prophet.

I'tikaf is operationally purposeful for dwelling in the Masjid i.e Masjidu Jami'u (Central) for Salat in congregation,   knowledge pursuit, Qur'an recitation, preaching, religious deliberation, nawafil and other religious stewards like visiting the ill and supporting less-privileged. Some adjourning principles of I'tikaf include avoidance of unnecessary moving about, total staying away from torching wife and making jest while in I'tikaf. Others include avoiding undesirable talks, matters of less concern, unnecessary use of telephone, apostasy and play. In case of light ailment, an I 'tikaf partaker is allowed to see a Doctor and return in no time. It is of necessity, however, for the organizers to consider having medical stand and first aid facility in place.

To sum it up, I'tikaf is a time, place and purpose designed spiritual bond program for which something else cannot supplant. Metaphorically, a man asked: 'Can I pray Jumu'ah at home while watching the prayer online? As mind-boggling as this question appears, the simple answer for the man should be: 'Sure, you can put a black cloth on your chiller and do Hajj at home too.' This shows the magnitude of I'tikaf and other spiritual feats observed in Islam. This does not underscore the fact that "At-Taqwa biqadri istita'i " meaning: 'Islam is fabulously easy and it leverages everything on the capability.' Yet, Believers must compete for successes and as well ask for bigger blessing particularly during I'tikaf and Laylatul Qadr. May Allah accept our Ibadat with magnitude. Amin.

Till we meet in the next edition when we shall serve you another weekly tonic, remain abundantly blessed in the spirit of Ramadan. Happy Laylatul Qadr in advance.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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