Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Thanks to Almighty Allah for sparing our lives to witness yet the second Jumu'ah in Ramadan 1445. The order of fasting is binding on us in the same category of Salat, Zakat, Hajj and Iman. The criteria of being Mu'min is yet to complete without its due responsibility. Luckily, Allah (SWT) hints that: "Fasting is ordained and He (Allah) takes responsibility of sustainable reward on it."  A Mu'min stands tremendous advantage by fasting in the month of Ramadan.

Before long, that the Glorious Qur'an 2:185 categorically declares the nomenclature of Ramadan fast as a birth agent of the Glorious Qur'an is a virile ground for Believers to greater accomplishment is beneficial. Allah declares: "Ramadan month in which the Glorious Qur'an was revealed as clear guidance and evidence and proof of guidance and criterion. So whoever witnessed the month should fast in it. And whoever is sick or on a journey should count the  number of fast broken to repay afterward. For Allah desires for you ease and never hardship and for you to complete the fast and to exalt the name of (Allah) in which He has guided you; and perchance you shall be grateful." 

The main arrow of this Ayah is the observance of fast as prescribed and that in case of any circumstance warranting inability to its non- observation, paying back later is recommended for  those not on terminal or protastic illness, and for those whose situation is likened unto that, daily compensation is declared to be made to those who can fast. This is fidyah in the category of feeding a fasting person with a common that can satisfy him at once.

The holy Messenger Muhammad (SAW) once alluded to the optimum benefits awaiting who observe Ramadan fast. He declared: "Surely, two main happiness await a person who fasts; one at the end of the fasting day when he breaks fast and on day he bows out of life." To this end, fasting attracts dual edge benefits to the owner which a refuser of fast is denied. The reality of this becomes evident in view of the fact that a man may be close to the point of death on sick bed but suddenly refuses to respond to treatment and food for some days before the final exit.

In a similar vein, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) made priori with a Ramadan observer when he is enlisted among the expected guests in Al-Jannah. This is indicated in His exhorting statement that says: "Surely Al-Jannah is in dire expectation of four categories of persons namely: reciter of the Qur'an, the one who guards his tongue (against evil), feeder of hungry people and of course, observer of fast during Ramadan."

It is of optimum importance to note that the chance of bolsting into bigger benefit had been there in favour of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad as against the earlier ones. A good instance is the main import of the conversation between Prophet Musa (AS) and Allah (SWT) during one of his visits. Allah informed Musa (even if Muhammad was to come later) that He (Allah) gave Muhammad's community dual lights for them to be safe from two darknesses.' Out of curiosity Musa asked: 'What -if I may ask- are the two darknesses, oh Allah? Allah replied: 'darkness in the grave and darkness on the day of resurrection.' 

It suffices to add at this juncture the similitude of fast with a 'military shield' (Junnah) useful for protection at the war front against enemy's strike. To this end, the noble Messenger maintains that: Surely fasting is but a protective shield in the hand of a Combatant Soldier. Therefore, when it comes to a day any of you fasts he should neither sexually contact his people on the day nor behave in a way to obliterate his fast nor behave ignorantly, and whenever he is sought in offensive he should just say: 'I am fasting'. 

Summarily, Ramadan is full of blessings; blessing   of sustenance at the initial stage, that of forgiveness at the middle and that of complete purge of indecency at the end of the month. It behoves a Mu'min to stand purified longer period after Ramadan.May Almighty Allah count us among the witness the end of Ramadan and give us the opportunity to witness many more alive. Amin. 
Till we meet again in the next edition, Ramada Mubarak and ma 'as Salaamah.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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