Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

A big congratulations to all Muslims all over the world on the 1445 AH Ramadan season. The topic at hand is better at no other time than period of Ramadan. For simple reason of the great dichotomy between the the twin concepts of 'Muslim' and 'Mu'min' with preference given to the latter over the former.   More importantly, multitude of people tend to play soft to the desirable traits in Ramadan. The question begging for answer remains 'Who is a true Mu'min (Believer)?

Before long, Ramadan period offers great deal of benefits to Muslims. Part of which include cross-cutting blessing, forgiveness and  restitution and of course regeneration. This is based on various dimensions of reward attracting stewards for which most people compete during Ramadan. It is surprising to see multiple crowd in the Masjid as different from what is obtainable during other months. It is recorded in the Hadith of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) that 'Doors of Al -Jannah (paradise) are ordered open, that of An - Nar ordered close and various devilish principalities are chain-locked.' This escatologically serves raison d'etat for not only thronging the Masjid but also a sharp reduction in vices across board.

The main characteristics of a 'Mu'min Desired' is unequivocally discussed in the Glorious Qur'an 8:2-4 which says: "For, believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, fell a tremor in their hearts, and when they hear His revelations rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust in their Lord; Who establish regular prayers and spend (freely) out of the gifts We have given them for sustenance: Such in truth are the Believers: they have grades of dignity with their Lord, and forgiveness, and generous sustenance." 

As enunciated during the last edition on this forum, a believer indeed is he whose mind is constantly attached to the Masjid. This is one of the traits of the seven categories of people that will be under Allah's shelter on the de-day when no shed will exist except that of Allah (SWT). By extension, however, they are those who usually await Salat after Salat while engrossing in various genuflexions in the Masjid. From the above Ayat (verses) six main symbolic traits ascribed to believers are evident. Apart from living above being ordinary Muslims in approach, believers' mind tend towards himility and increase in piety i.e faith when exposed to signs beyond ordinary. They rely mostly on Allah to strengthen them in trials and tribulations. Adding to that is their regular establishment of prayer and spending of their wealth in support of less privileged. And for these and many more, they are targeted for varigated degrees of elevation coupled with forgiveness and bountiful sustenance.

Ramadan fast proves its essence in terms of multiplying effects of reward. Greater reward is accomplished by being dutiful towards Allah in Ramadan and keeping the tempo afterward. Mention must be made that during the time of the Messenger, the Jama'ah (congregation of people) used to visit to commiserate with anyone from whom a Raka'at of Salat is missed. Not only for any other thing but the gravity of Salat essence. It is ironical that today, Salat is commonly deferred not only till the dead end of a day but also the following day due to boredom and fatigue.

It is against this backdrop that a Believer addresses his mind to the benefits accruable in Ramadan and for the sole aim of harnessing greater height of faith. As mentioned above, it is by doing this he attains the level of true believer desired. The similitude of Ramadan season comparable to human system is more of a brand new vehicle which is set on the 3rd Mainland Bridge enroute Lekki-Ajah continuously. It amounts to utter stupidity to rely on its new status to be oblivious of its routine check and regular maintenance. It's eventual break down at the middle of the bridge signals towards cheer carelessness on behalf of the owner and bearing the brunt is imminent. Ramadan fast serves humanity in this capacity. A believer's routine check is carried out one month out of the twelve making a year. Luckily enough, he is not commanded to fast for the whole of twelve months in a year.

Suffices here is the reaction of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) to a King of Sham after inviting him to Islam. Overwhelmed by the Messenger's emissary, he decided to offer fabulous gift items in return. These include beautiful slave girl, wealth and of course a Physician! You wonder why Physician in the first place! To the King, practicing medics would be ideal in a nascent community of the Messenger. The Messenger in return accepted the girl and wealth but to the Physician, He exclaimed while returning him: 'We are a group of people who do not eat to the fill.' The message from this narrative in essence is a benefit fasting such as  Ramadan serves to human body chemistry. An overhauling and complete turn-around of his system to the extent of leaving no ailment to warrant the attention of not only the Physician but also use of medicinal therapy. Practically enough, Ramadan period has been proved to be ailment-free and of course immune of various immoralities. More importantly, opinion poll in medical field had shown that not only that registered medical facilities had proved to record low sales during Ramadan but also bars, clubs and immoral corners appear on low patronage!

The great lesson for a believer from this scenario is for him to project the lessons so far beyond the month of Ramadan. This is the only way true believer desired status can be attained. It is our hope that Muslims would make maximum utilization of the great benefits available during the month of Ramadan to sanitize the whole Muslim circle and for better humanity in general.

Till we meet again in the next edition, thanks for your patience in reading from this forum. Once more, Ramadan Mubarak.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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