Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Basking in the euphoria of Ramadan 1445 AH in advance, concerning Muslims in particular and humanity in general with great tasks ahead its arrival appears not irrelevant. If the vitality of Masjid to Muslims' worship particularly not only in the month of Ramadan remains incontrovertible, an unequalled role Masjid plays is of essence at this point in time. The main rationale is to magnify reward during Ramadan and beyond even though Muslims do not belong to Masjid the way Christians affiliate to  denominations.

A single act of worship done in the mosque particularly on congregation, attracts varied degrees of reward up to 700 folds. This is premised on the motive which implants on its genuinness. Any infraction done in the Masjid also attracts severe punishment just as meritorious deeds there is magnified.

Before long, the word Masjid appears six times in the Glorious Qur'an all in plural form (Masajid) and only one in singular form. While the latter appears in Suratul Fathi (Qur'an 48:37), the former situations scatter around 2:114, 2:187, 9:17,  9:18, 22:40 & 72:18. This is aside from several expressive words bearing relatively on the reverent meaning of house of Allah or worship center.

Masajid is revered due to reasons including but not limited to the following: i.  As a meeting point of Allah, place of light and truthfulness through Salat and Du'a, humilty and increase in faith. This is the central point of Qur'an 7:29 which says: "Say:' My Lord has commanded justice, and that you set your whole selves (to Him) at every time and place of prayer, and call upon Him, making your devotion sincere such as He created you in the beginning, so shall ye return." So Masjid remains a place of purity, the Pure, Repentant, Mu 'takifin, Rukka'in and Sujjad (Masjid dwellers, Bowers and who Prostrate in worship.) To this end, a tradition reported by Abu Hurayrah  had that: 'Whoever washes from home and set forth to a house of Allah to observe an obligatory duty, his two steps are used to record for him i.e one to clean his misdeeds and another to elevate his status.' (M243)

ii. Masjid is a place for Angels to perch  and to take further instructions. "Angels surround you in the night and Angels during the day' attests to the holiness of Masjid. It is an abode of the Puritanical and the Righteous as indicated in 'In it men who love to be purified, and Allah loves the purifiers'. It is pointer of the Salat observers, those who bow and prostrate to Allah and of course a dwelling for claimants of tiding and blessings.

iii. Masjid is a home of the resolute in Allah's way, the spring of higher decisions, place of supplications of higher bidders. This is the extent to which Muslims should love Masjid and for him not to be severed from it. The Glorious Qur'an 24:37 recounts: ' By men whom neither trade nor sale can divert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from regular prayer, nor from paying zakat their (only) fear is for the Day when hearts and eyes will be turned about.'

iv. It is indeed a hub of spiritual guidance. Madinan Masjid serves model world over for various Jihad emanated therefrom. As a catalyst to Muslims corporate existence, matters of spiritual, legal, social, military and lots more take root from the Masjid. In a similar vein, it serves a shield against sinful acts, kufr (disbelief), zulm (oppression), baghyi (lewdness) and 'adawah (enemity). No wonder Muslim community thrives on love and mutual harmony.

v. It is symbolic to place on record that Masjid dwellers' radiate love like sunlight. They are seen fearless, resolute, un-wavered, untiring soul, smooth deeds and indepth fulfilment of Allah's victory. All this is encapsulated in the main context of Qur'an 9:18 saying: 'The Masajid of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and pay Zakat, and fear none  (at all) except Allah it is they who are expected to be on true guidance'. 

The above Ayah as it is used in this context, is summarized by the Hadith of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) which extols the virtue of Iman and good deeds. It is cited in excerpts thus: '... And a man whose mind is always clung to the Masjid... ' as one of the seven categories of persons who will be protected by Allah's shed on the thee day when none will be provided with shed under the scorching sun. 

It is to this end that the noble Messenger's sarcastic question posted to the Sahabah (Companions) becomes germane. He posited: 'Shall I direct you to what extinguish taints of sin and elevates status? He said: 'Soaking  with water the ablution parts of the body, plenty of foot steps to Masjid after ablution, and expecting one Salat after the other while in the Masjid, and this is more of ambush form of Jihad.' (M133)

Above all, Masjid habitation is given optimum priority over market and places of mundane. This is the basis of Abu Hurayrah tradition which stipulates: 'The best abode loved by Allah is the Masajid while the worst place hated by Allah is market place.' It is incontrovertible to strike the difference between the two places considering what transpire in them.   

Summing up the narratives on Masjid and its nomenclature of excellence, a Muslim should give the Masjid necessary accolade and shun filth and misdemeanors. The month of Ramadan offers great opportunity to re-unite with Masjid for series of rewarding endeavors. As we usher in the month of  Ramadan, Muslims across walks of life should endeavor not only  to abstain from foods, drinks and careless and  unguarded talks and behaviour but also maximizing the Ramadan period to en-living the Masajid for various rewardable acts.

Drawing the curtain on this edition till we meet in another episode, thanks for your reading and wishing you Ramadan Mubarak in advance.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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