Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Each of the months of the Lunar Calendar has one thing or the other spectacular to them. The second to the last edition e.g precisely fortnight ago, treated us to the Celestial Ascension of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) during which the five canonical prayer (Salat) were ordained on the Ummah. The fact that this month ushers in the month of Ramadan the month in which fasting is compulsory on Muslims is strategic for sme reasons including but not limited to the following. 

Nisfu sh Sha'ban is epitomizes bounteous blessing next to Laytatul Qadir, the Night of Majesty, (27th night of Ramadan) in which the Glorious Qur'an was revealed. The noble Messenger was reported having maintained that: 'The similitude of merit of Sha 'ban over other months of the year is that of his own demeanor over other Prophets of Allah; just as  that of Ramadan essence is overwhelming over other months like Allah's essence over all creature.' The symbol of this is the night that falls on the mid-course day of the month called Nisfu sh Sha'ban.

This is mainly for all stewards of man is carried to the heaven during the night. To this end, the noble Messenger once asked his Companions: 'Do you know the reason for its being called Sha'ban? They said: 'only Allah and His Messenger know.' He said:'It's bacause numerous blessings used to brew in it.' It is simply abundance of blessing.

To maximize the benefit of this night, Muslims are enjoined to devote time for worship during the night. To be more categorical about this, the Messenger of Allah maintained that: 'Whoever devoted in service the nights of the two Eids and the night of Nisfu sh-Sha'ban will not suffer from severity of illumination when others complain of little guidance.'

Juxtaposing this with the  ascertion made by Yahya bn Mu'adh, it bears significantly to ascribe notary benefits to each of the letter which the word Sha'ban is composed. The maiden letter 'shin' attracts Shifa' and Shafa'ah (healing and redemption), 'ain' attracts 'Izzah (greatness), 'bau' attracts  Birr (goodness), 'alif' attracts 'Ulfah (closeness) and 'nun' attracts Nur (illumination). This shows complete that overriding benefits hover a Mumin who devotes night of Nisfu sh Sha 'ban. 

A great example is a tripartite intention each of which is tagged on Suratu Yasin. After saying two raka'ats of naflah, the first Yasin is recited with the intention of seeking forgiveness of sin. While the second is recited for sound health the last Suratu Yasin is tegged on abundance of wealth. It is essential to note that complete favor of Allah will abide in a Muslim who devotes time of Nisfu sh Sha'ban for the prescribed worship. In a similar vein, reciting Ya Latif 129 times and ending it with Qur'an 42:29: "Allahu Latifun bi 'baadiHi yarzuqu man yasha'u wa Huwa l Qawwiyyu l 'Azeez," is capable of fetching you a great fortune.

Till we meet during the next edition. Thanks and remain blessed.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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