Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
Fasting is one of the most honoured endeavours of men before Allah and its nomenclature predisposes human being to attainment of goals. As one of the pillars of Islam after Iman and Salat, keeping not its conditions amounts to labouring in vain and total wastage. To this end, in order to enjoy maximum benefits of Ramadan fast preparing ahead of it like an august guest becomes important.
Before long, Allah (SWT) categorically declared that fasting is prescribed as an act of worship just as it was done for the people before you to attain higher level of piety (Qur'an 2:183). Unequivocally, giving the name of the expected month of fasting in Qur'an 2:185 clears the mystery around its prescription. More importantly, Qur'an 2:186 succinctly gives description of the celebrated fasting to exclude all paraphernalia of philosophy and acclamations. It is not out of proportion, therefore, to say the manner of fasting known as Awe Biri-biri (Marathon fast or non-brake), Awe Maje ata (No pepperish fast), Awe Funfun (White fast), Awe Maje nkan eleje (No red-blooded), Awe Wakati merin (four hour fasting) and host of others.
Conversely, fasting recognized in Islam as mentioned above is vividly described as starting at dawn, spanning across the day and to be broken at sunset. This is to the exclusion of feasting on all manners of halal consumables from sunset till dawn. Doing this across the month portrays a Muslim with piety which is geared towards Allah and generosity towards mankind. A Muslim stands a lot of intra and inter-connective benefits during the fast. It is to this end that preparing towards it becomes necessary. The situation is more or less that of Wudu'u(Ablution) to Salat (Ritual prayer) proper.
Riding on this provision, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) unhesitatingly advised that: "Had my people known the benefits of Ramadan fast they would have loved all days and months to be Ramadan. For cluster in it all manners of goodness, obedience is acceptable, prayers are answerable, forgiveness of sins ensured, and above all welcoming disposition of Al-Jannah (Paradise). This shows unequalled measures of benefits of Ramadan period".
In another narrative, the Messenger gave a chronicle of persons expected to be welcomed by Paradise. He said: i. Reciters of holy Qur'an i.e during Ramadan, ii. Guardian of tongue, iii. Feeder of the hungry, and iv. Those fasting in the month of Ramadan.
To confirm the assertion that declaration of Ramadan fast as a symbol of a Muslim faith is neither unheard-of nor an innovation, the spiritual ascension of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) was entreated to his meeting some earlier Messengers who were epitome of faith and obedience personified. For instance, Prophet Ibrahim (AS)'s barrenness became a thing only good for dustbin of history and he was blessed with the fruits of the womb after longer period of childlessness (Qur'an 11:72). Secondly, Prophet Dawud (AS) made headway as a crude implement maker Blacksmith when mountains were not only subjected to his will but also iron ore scooped at discretion (Qur'an 21:79). Prophet Musa (AS) was booked for thirty day fasting but plus ten to actualize his dream of messengership (Qur'an 7:142).
In the same vein, Prophet Zakariya's prayer was invincible as his barrenness turned to glory after making Maryam's unprecedented provision a point of contact (Qur'an 3:38). The chaste Maryam, mother of Prophet Isa (AS) was recorded as leveraging on prayer and fasting at the point of highest disturbance by her people after the virgin birth (Qur'an 19:26). And finally, Prophet Isa (AS)'s pleny potentiary was shown when he was giving account of not only what his people fed on but also what was kept in their respective homes (Qur'an 3:49).
To maximize the gains of Ramadan fast, it is essential that the following areas must be worked upon. While payment of the fast missed last year is important to avoid over-lapping of fast, doing everything medically necessary to ensure sound health to whither the rigour of fast is equally important. Making financial budget ahead of the fast is as good as providing for eventuality. Projecting list of Ibadaat and charity during the fast would guide day to day activities in Ramadan. Those incapacitated to fast should provide necessary in-lieu-provisions (fidyah) before the arrival of the month.
Meanwhile, the Hadith of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) concerns Muslims to commence and terminate fast at the sight of crescent for the new month or better-still make the count of the lapsing month thirty (30). It is on this note that preparation towards the month of Ramadan fast is vital to the acceptability of the fast. Earnestly waiting to meet Ramadan, we wish all Muslims Ramadan Kareem in advance.
Till we meet again in the next edition, thanks for reading and ma'as salaamah.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.