Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

The second segment of the celestial ascension of the Messenger takes account of the heated controversy between the land and heaven. Report had that there were arguments and counter-arguments regarding who houses what in terms of natural phenomena.

To start with, land boasted housing of principalities such as cities, rivers, oceans and timbers among others. In response to this, the heaven advanced by recalling spectacular creatures therein such as  the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Planets and lots more created in it all to the benefits of man. 

The land posited further claiming that it houses a structure around which men circumambulate such as the Prophets, Messengers, Saints and others. In response to this, the heaven retorted that your claim to the house is substandard to mine in the sense that place and foundation of your house hitherto hosted a structure which is presently located in the heaven. Not only that,  while the house is being circumanbulated by only human beings, the house in me is equally circumanbulated by Angels. In addition to that, there exists in me Al -Jannah (Paradise) which is the last resort of the souls of Prophets, Messengers, Saints and Believers. 

The third round of the contest featured a knock-out but intriguing question from the land. It said that on me resides a creature best among all others, whose Allah -given Shari'ah is implemented on me i.e Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the finality of the Prophets and the leader of the Messengers. 

To this end, the heaven became dumbfounded. Gathering momentum, it turned towards Allah saying: "Oh Allah, You indeed hearken to prayer  of an adversed whenever he calls. Bring forth to me the personality with which the land boast." It was in response to this prayer that Allah (SWT) gave executive order to the Angels in charge of divine message and return of soul, Jibril and Isra'il (AS) on both be blessing of Allah. While the former was asked to suspend Tasbih (Glorification) the night of 27th Rajab the latter was being asked to leave the primary duty of soul taking for the night. Angel Jibril humbly quibbed in out of curiosity, 'Is it the time for accountability?' 

Angel Jibril was commissioned to go to Al-Jannah in search of Al-Burraq, a swift horse preserved in expectation to meet the best of all creatures (Muhammad) since ages. In preparation for the spiritual journey, it was brought to the holy Ka'bah which happened to be starting point of a
journey enroute Baytil Miqdis, holy mosque in  Jerusalem, Palestine. Popular report had that this was the Isra'u proper while Mi'raj (Ascension to the heaven) started from the holy sanctuary in Jerusalem.

On whether or not the Messenger witnessed Allah with naked eyes, the onus on every Muslim is to believe in the repory the holy Messenger gave on the journey. Part of the report was his witnessing the abodes of Al-Jannah and An-Nar (Paradise and Hell), encounter with senior colleagues in Messengership such as Ibrahim, Musa, Idris and others. The report of ascension would not be complete without mentioning institutionalizing the daily Salat (five daily prayer). This later become the symbol of a Muslim.

That Makkans initially objected the report of his ascension was not far from the truth. It was reported that Abu Jahl, an uncle came across the Messenger the following morning while he was contemplating giving the report. On enquiry the Messenger gave him a vivid account of the principalities on the way to which the former was not only convinced made making mockery of the latter. Contrarily, this same report was given to Abubakar (the first adult believer in his mission) which went down well with him and it was totally believed. 

To evaluate this with the holy Qur'an as the best mode of interpreting this report, Qur'an 6:143 categorically declares that: "No eye can withness Allah but He can see men and their eyes..." Comparing this with Qur'an 72:26-28 which says: "The Knower of the hidden who exposes none to His hidden knowledge. But whoever He is pleased with such as Messenger, whose guidance is ensured from front and back. The purpose of which is but the sustenance of the their Lord's message, that Allah is acquainted with everything and of course they are all labelled."

Summarily, the Isra'u wal Mi'raj of the holy Messenger served as the symbol and watershed of the renowned Islamic order under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). In a similar vein, it brought to bear the realistic the solid assurance the Allah (SWT) did neither forsake  him nor deny his Messengership. Above all, the ascension brought him in contact with earlier Messengers indicate that he was neither an innovation nor an impostor and that the promise of Allah will not go unfulfilled. 

Next week, In Sha'a Allah, is another time for new edition in this direction. Thanks for taking part of your time to read. Till then, remain blessed.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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