Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
It is an essential part of life that a person given to a formation takes to the rules and regulations guarding such formation. That Islam stands on pedestal of best guidance towards fulfilled life is not an overstatement in the sense on its totalitarian approach to human endeavors. Resilience and wellness of a Muslim is hinged on most factors recommended in Islam.
Six main things account for building resilience in Islam as an extension of the topic of discussion during the last edition on this platform which bother of perseverance. These include:
i. Tawakkul (Complete trust in Allah). As against trust in human which is unreliable, the nature of human want appear unquantifiable and the variance of which human being can hardly coop. Allah (SWT) says in the Glorious Qur'an in an expression generalizable to affect every individual even though the situation that occasioned it might vary, that: "So by the mercy from Allah, (O Muhammad), you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude (in speech) and harsh in heart, they would havedisbanded from you. So pardon them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah Loves those who rely (upon Him)" (Qur'an 3:159). This shows that trusting in Allah alone is sustaining.
ii. Sabr and Shukr (Patience and Gratitude). A hard fast rule about life is that of reciprocal. 'Rub my back and I rub your back' is a common phenomenon among men which is an indication that Allah demands nothing than being grateful to Him. Aside, 'an ingrate before man is an ungrateful before Allah' for 'he who is ungrateful to man will definitely be ungrateful to Allah'. This is the import of Qur'an 14:7 which says: "And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: 'if you give thanks (by accepting faith and worship), I will give you more (of My Blessings); but if you are thankless ( i.e disbelievers), verily My punishment is indeed severe."
iii. Mindfulness and Reflection. This is yet another cornerstone of Muslim faith. The bulk of activities in Islam depends largely on concentration. It is by extension that mindfulness and reflection remain juxtaposed as the basic value ingrained in being Muslim. Allah (SWT) categorically declares: "Successful indeed are the Believers. Those who humble themselves in their prayer (Salat)."
iv. Tawa'du wa Ta'awwun bayna l Muslimin (Seem Less Cooperation). The might of collaborative power cannot be over-emphasized. The beauty of this is presented in the Glorious Qur'an 6:2 in excerpts where a contrasting picture is painted of teaming up on virtues against indecency. He says: "... Help you one another in righteousness but help you not one another in sin and rancor... " It is on this note that the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) experimented the Qur'an provision with subtle explanation more appealing to human imagination when he said:" An example of a Mu'min to other Believers is like that of a wall well calculated (from bricks, iron rods, sharp sand and of course cement in a more construction analysis). Whenever a single unit or a colon feels distressed or in pain, the rest part of the building feel utterly unsecured." The import of this Hadith shows that collaborative efforts of teaming members of the Ummah is required to ameliorate the suffering of any member for his relegation or eventual demise is a one odd out too many.
v. Ta'lim wa Ta'allum (Learning and Re-learning). The essence of a man on earth is to conquer the world in preparation for the world to come. It is interesting that realizing this noble objective without knowledge is far from being truthful. Secondly, to be complacent in seeking knowledge appear a sharp road-map to retrogression. This becomes more important considering the demands of automation in vogue at the instance of every sector of life. For instance, an Auto Mechanic skill would soon become fit for the shelf in view of his inability to coop with diagnosing current electrical auto products in vogue. A teacher who agrees to becoming moribund, preacher who is undisposed to Artificial Intelligence (AI) or an administrator whose theorem appear seemingly appearing from cemetery is at the mercy of being rubbish if he fails to update his knowledge. In fact, the import of Qur'an 12:76 suffices where it captures the situation better when it says:" ...We raise to degrees (of wisdom) whom We please; (just as) over all endued with knowledge is One, the All-Knowing." To a large extent, a local interpretation adequate for the issue under discuss is :"Gbogbo Aji-to-kewu, oga ni yoo maa je fun onimimo", meaning: 'An all-time relevant scholar will always be on the lead among the contemporary." This appears incontrovertible from the Qur'an provision in 58:11 which says in excerpt:"... Allah will raise up, to (suitable) ranks (and degrees), those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge, and Allah is well-acquainted with all you do."
vi. Al-'Afuwu wal Maghfirah (Pardon and Forgiveness). This last but not the least factor talks about the need for clemency at all time. The noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) is described as a Rahmah (Blessing) to human race and this is characteristic of him in this respect. Several Ayaat in the Qur'an refer to him as indication to imbue in the Muslims enviable characters. He was called Ra'uf, Rahim (Clement) which is epitome of humility as against pomposity which was never found in his person. The manner of extremism, chauvinism and hooliganism in the name of Islam find no relevance neither in the philosophy nor the practicability of Islam. To this end, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) was reported having said: "It is not the brave that is strong; but the one that is able to control his temper during anger." The essence of this Hadith is that as Muslims, our roles as the beauty of the earth which endear us to conflagration of others should be portrayed in all ramifications.
Mention must be made that the above factors pride Muslims for enviable life-style, a life loved by the bearer, admirable by others in the society and of course, loving unto Allah the Creator. Allah (SWT) declares as panacea to peaceful living: "...And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepare a way out. And He provides for him from (sources) he never could expect. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish His purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion."
Summarily, the life worthy-living is a life well-spent and a well-spent life is not oly that benefits the bearer but also teaming hosts of others. Touching life positively is a point if connectivity between spouses and children, relatives and neighbors. The symbol of excellence in this respect is being good to housemaid where the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) psychologically nurtured Muslims on fairness. He said: "If any of you have cause to hire housemaid over-labour him not, and in case you discover him being saddled with more than enough responsibilities, help them out on the duties." This is the higher level.of Jihad (Striving in Allah through humanity).
Till we meet again during the next edition, many thanks for your reading. Ma 'as Salaamah.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria Ipaja Branch, Lagos State.