Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
What a beauty that every creature bears and remains on the pedestal on which it was created! Making all creatures in genders (male & female) facilitates social order of cohabitation and mutual relationship for multiplicity and progress. Creating pseudo island between the spheres juggles the specie for unnecessary nuisance in view of the avalanche of provision at his disposal from the Creator.
Part of the cultural alienation is the zeal of malfeasance against natural order of creation in structure and outlook. LGBTQ strike mainly in the unnatural method of gender realization. Meanwhile, L means lesbianism, G means Gay, B stands for bi-sexual grade, T stands for trans-gender and Q stands for queer. A woman to woman marriage and copulation and man to man marriage appear highest level of homosexuality as it was realized from the legendary of people of Prophet Lut (AS). Bi-sexuality stands for harnessing sexual organ and disposition of opposite gender to one's feature. While transgender is utter discontentment for the natural features in one's being and yearning for the features of other gender in structure and outlook, Queer species appear undecided between male and female. This means they can neither be called male nor female.
The essence of life is to multiply and meaningfully perpetuate to explore the land. If LGBTQ is allowed to thrive, of what magnitude will be Allah (SWT)'s declaration that: "It is He Who had made the earth manageable for you, so transverse you through its tracts and enjoy the sustenance which He furnishes: but unto Him is the resurrection? (Q67:15)". It shows that human imagination is short circuit. Why?
For "Glory to Allah, who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and ( other)
things of which they have no knowledge (Q36:36)." This shows the unblinking truth that the functions ingrained in each gender is unique to the perpetuation of human kind and scuttle of which attests to the disharmony he creates in nature. A similitude of distruption in nature LGBTQ and the likes causes in nature is best manifest in alternating or outright exchange of positive and negative battery terminals before connecting them to a vehicle kick starter. In the auto-mobile process, this causes consternation if not total damage to either the battery or the kick or both in the process. LGBTQ is capable of decimating procreation and by extension acute shortage in the work force, a good example of which occurs in advanced countries whereby competent hands are being recruited world-over to engage even in meniest jobs available in their countries.
In a similar vein, Allah (SWT) recalls in the glorious Qur'an 13:38 that: "We indeed sent Messengers before you and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never a part of a Messenger to bring a sign except as Allah permitted (or commanded). For each period is an appointment." LGBTQ according to this Qur'an provision is nothing but unnecessary innovation which was neither obtainable with any Messenger nor instructed towards. Trailing natural line of procreation primes mankind for honour and being in line with the blessed way of life.
To a large extent, scholars of Tafsir and Jurisprudence declared that the act of people of Lut (Liwat) is homosexuality and it is purely haram. It is also of fact that there is no definite prescription of reward and punishment for Liwat in the Qur'an but that does not mean there can not be found a derivative judgment as good as precedence for the punishment for LGBTQ.
In the first place, Prophet Lut was reported rebuking his people as recorded in Qur'an 27:57 that: "(And We also sent) Lut (as a Messenger): behold, he said to his people, 'do you do what is indecent though you see its inequity)?" It shows that not only that Prophet Lut was displeased with their attitude but also that it is an indication that anyone who engages in such act incurre displeasure of Allah. There were opinions and counter opinions regarding placing derivative judgment on indecency brought about by fable and infidel members found in Qur'an 14:16 that: "If two persons among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend leave them alone, for Allah is Oft Returning, Most Merciful."
Summarily, the narrative about LGBTQ in relation to the main Qur'an passages cited in this edition are subject to Mathematical exactitude. 36+36 gives 72 and 13+38 gives 51. Adding 1 to 51 gives 52 and this is the number of time the word ازواج Azwaj (word indicating gender) occur in the Glorious Qur'an as the case of the latter Ayah. The former Ayah 36+36 giving 72, falls heavily on splitting the result into two or removing 20 from 72 and alternating the figures gives Qur'an 52:20 which says: "They recline on straight laid bedding and We marry unto them undiluted virgin..." This also bears on the roles of gender in comforting spouses for natural pleasure. It must be mentioned that the menace of alien traits and dispositions as reflected in LGBTQ and the likes should not be allowed to take on the world social architecture for the outcome shows unheard sexual behaviour in the of liberation and social liberty the outcome of which is best imagined than experienced. Human-animal tendency appears on the prow and humanity's survival is at stake.The earlier the clandestine liberty is nipped in the bud the better for the survival of humanity in general.
Till we meet next week, thanks for reading and remain blessed. Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.