Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
The end of Gregorian year 2023 in close by and many would remember the year for numerous economic hullabaloo. From cash crunch to fuel subsidy removal occasion astronomical hike in prices of goods, commodities and services, more than enough lessons must have been learnt. Those who have did but clamoured for incredible valueless of money is tenable but the have nots felt the pressure than heat. The situation painted above appears paradoxical but it subsides after all. Wa li Llahil hamdu.
Before long, the engineering system behind the year-in-year-out cannot be but perfect as presents succor to every situation. It is in this respect that notation of days, weeks, months, years, decades and centuries pile up at the head of teaming generations.
To this end, Allah (SWT) indicates that two main masses stand polar to the estimation of days and nights. The Glorious Qur'an 55:5 says: "And the Sun and the Moon are right interchange." This shows the enabling power behind the whole system is revolving and allowing the counting of days, weeks, months and years which build up to become history with couples of events. Mention must be made here that of all planets in the world system engineering, namely Mercury, Jupiter etc, Venus appears the hottest. It is been astronomically described as the temperature of 864 oF which is (462 oC). However, the atmospheric condition in this part of the clime appears absolute favorable for in some part of the world a holiday is declared for citizens to have sun-bath any day the sun evetually comes out. Let's quickly see the world's initiatives on calendar.
It gives rise to ontological undertakings of most principalities across ages and generations to harp on the momentum of memory by initiating eventful designate for others to refer. Across history, it must be placed on record that over a score of calendars could be mentioned one of which is the Gregorian calendar which is a formation of Pope Gregory of Rome. Names of the months in it are memoirs of some earlier principalities and demi-gods in the Roman empire whose reverence towered next to the Creator. January from (Janus), February from Febros, March from Mars, July coined from Julius Caesar and lots more.
Similar occasions was weaponed in several civilizations to enshrine leaders of thoughts and visions. It suffices to mention apart from Gregorian initiative that therr are calendars like Pawukon, Ethiopian, Jewish, Chinese, Hijrah, Persian, Japanese Julian, Budhist, Mayan, Egyptian, French Revolution, Sumerian, Zoroastrianism, Celtic, Capadocian, Acamenid, Attic, Ancient Greek and Julian calendars.
The year 2023 in Nigeria is portrayed in a way that the polity could recount ordeals of many unimaginable magnitude. One expected the dynamics to turn better in the next couple of weeks from now. 2024 is around the corner. While the usual chorus is "new year new resolution", the questions that come to mind include 'what has changed in our pattern of behaviours from the decades of making resolution? and, or what is the resolution all about? or, is the resolution worth-making on the first place?" Answers to these and several other questions fall in the realm of individuality.
Having indicated that date, year or calendar might be worthless of acrobatic display of unnecessary fisticuff for their being human inventions, there exists no iron-cast regulation directing the world to any of them except the natural-attuned formation among the calendars. Hijrah calendar might be initiated by the successors after the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), it was fashioned along with lunar system.
Three things would serve a man a succor at this moment of the season the basis of which serves as re-connection with Allah. The first being Tarkul Ghadab (shunning annoyance) as a simple model towards modesty in character, faith and disposition. This followed by working against 'Adamul 'Afwi ani n Nas (Unforgiving people of errors committed) which tends to blind initiatives of goodness to oneself and others and, the third one 'Adamu s Sabri anil Bala'i wa 'alal Musibah (Impatience of misfortune and ill-luck). These remain catalyst to the numerous issues affecting most Muslims today except those who fall within the purview of the last Ayah in Qur'an 103:4 which says: "Except the believing ones and the righteous and they abide in patience and abide in perseverance." The indication of tbe quoted Ayah shows that a man has a long-life sojourn to pursue and for which making annual resolution which invariably leads to mad- rush and inordinate zeal for fortune becomes utterly unnecessary.
Most importantly, five paradoxical things become paramount to human existence. These are loving the material life not to deride the hereafter; the wealth not to detest goodness to others; the creatures not to forget the duties towards the Creator; the worldly mansions and its decors not to remember the grave passage (Barzakh) and finally human indecencies not minding to seek forgiveness.
It is evident from the above narratives that the transient nature of human sojourn should not blind him from projecting beyond his existence on the material enclave. It is to this end that a Muslim must not be deceived into gathering for special prayer session in the name of 'cross over' into new year. Granted that Nigerian polity key into the Gregorian calendar for socio-economic advantages, looking beyond new resolution becomes essential. What had been achieved should be concretized with thanksgiving and prayer for further accomplishment a focus Muslim life serves well.