Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
It is indeed a cause of celebration for Ansar-Ud-Deen Society (ADS) to have survived to a hundred years in existence. To members, non - members and generality of Muslims a deserving gratitude to Allah (SWT). Not only for having witnessing a century of ADS but also for the laudable works in progress, nothing suffices but gratitude.
Digressing a little towards memory lane, the Centenary celebration places before us onerous task to look inward with a view to conceptualize the formation, situation and achievements of ADS as a living society. Before doing that, a cursory look at pre-existed formations in Islam-dom would serve as possible rider to the nomenclature of societies and organizations in current time.
To start with, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) garnered his Companions for 'Umrah with all paraphernalia. It was thought out before setting on the journey or midway to Makkah that Bay'ah (oath of allegiance) should be taken from them before getting to the city. Most Companions gave their pledge to stay by him come hay and may. This pledge is so called 'pledge of 'Aqabah' being the name of the point where the pledge was made and it symbolizes the maiden coming together of group of people to support Islam.
Secondly, soon after the death of the noble Messenger there were divergent opinions concerning the actual fact of his demise. Abu Bakar (R.A) came out boldly to confided in those who were skeptical that: "Let those who tend to worship because of Muhammad realize that the latter is dead; but those who worship Allah solely not to deter from such, for Allah lives and abides for ever." It was sequel to this frank position that the Muhajirun held meeting as against the Ansar on their eligibility to Khilafah (Successor) candidature. The latter and the former assumed different formations of alliance all in support of Islam.
Furthermore, the dichotomy arising from differences in thoughts and foci on the theological desiderata placed on ground various factions and categorizations. While some aligned with the power that be, some were protagonists of pure Sunnah and another chunk glued to possible rationalization of principles and doctrines of Islam. Sufficed were formations like Caliphate schools, Ash'arites schools, Jabarites and Mu'tazalites schools of thoughts. Interestingly, despite the division in areas of dwellings they were able to conflagrate on the main principles like the Glorious Qur'an, Salat, Sawm, Zakat and Hajj.
Coming to Africa, Egypt is viewed to have an edge over Nigeria in terms of colonization. While Nigeria served only British Colonialists, Egypt 's first colonization under French was later kicked off giving way for British Colonialists. This prides Egypt on dual foreign culture than Nigeria unitarian outlook. In fact, this would probably be the raison de tat for sporadic and incessant reformative organizations aimed at bringing the polity back on pedestal of socio-religious stance. The likes of Egyptian reformers of various callings such as education, law, poetry and prose writing left on Egypt monumental and indelible marks incorrigible enough for anyone to emulate till date. Hasan Al Bana's Ikhwanu Muslimun, Hafidz Ibrahim, Jamalud din Al Afghaniy, Yusuf Al Qaradawiy among others projected the work of citadel of knowledge (Azhar) in no small measures.
The case was not different in the Nigerian enclave. Muslims soon noticed that Western education brought about to Nigeria was laden with several colorations all in a bid to lull Muslim children into foreign cultures and utter disbelief. At the tip of which name-drop or name-change was stock in trade, Muslims soon petitioned the Lagos Colony District Officer (DO), a move to which the Colonialists referred to as onslaught and rebellious against their principality. Alas, this sounds human right activism in the face of ready to kill foreign power masters.
To prove better onions, some group of Young Muslims who saw imminent danger in sight should they sit akimbo took bold steps to arrange themselves into formidable group of canvassers on behalf of Muslim in Lagos Island. Mentioning few of them, Ahmadiyyah Movement,Nawairud-deen and Anwarul Islam came on board. Ansar-Ud-Deen (formerly Young Ansar) was no mean among the groups. Following the Qur'an provision in Surah Al Imran 3:104 saying: "Let there be among you a band of people inviting unto goodness, enjoining fairness and forbidding evil and those are the ones who will prosper."
Should it be asked that why the balkanization and divisions among the Ummah as evident in another Quran provision that: "And they divided among themselves their matters to an extent that each section adore and celebrate its own way." The plain answer to this question appears that each formation tends to create niche in the Islamic architecture, for everything done in respective outfits boil down to unity in diversity which Islam tends to assimilate in unification of ideologies and doctrines.
Above all, what matters is the motive behind the formation, arrangement and focus of each society. Quran 35:32 categorizes workers around the fine-yard of religion into three main realms. It says: "Then We (Allah) have given the Book for inheritance to such of Our servants as We have chosen: but there are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who follow middle course;and some who are, by Allah's leave, foremost in good deeds: that is the highest garace."
Summarily, Nigerian Muslims have no need playing nefarious game. Enough of 'thou - holier - than - thou' game in the matters of religion. The diversity in their focus presents a blessing to hold front from different perspectives. It is the submission of this Khutbah that teaming up in focus to drive in unique focus among these formations is a cause that must be chat on all ramifications.
Till we meet in the next episode, thank you for taking interest in reading. Remain abundantly blessed.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.