Bismillah Ar- Rahman Ar-Rahim.
Glory be to Allah (SWT) for witnessing yet another Jum'at. May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW), his household and the entire Muslim faithful till the day of resurrection.
Human circle is bewitched with circumstances which go beyond human imagination on one hand and on the other, subject him not only to the will of Allah but also unconditional appreciation of situation as it comes. The Glorious Qur'an 22:5 x-rays human worldly stages of life to include cradle (walking on four legs), childhood, adolescence, adulthood (two-leg period), and old age (additional leg period); all proportional to chance of long-life.
It is on this basis that human life is metaphysically viewed to experience seven different stages. The first of which is the finite life of atoms (hayatun dharriyyah). This is a generic stage where everyone was created enmass before the order to swallow one another and eventual remnant of one single entity. The second stage is that of watery level in the body of father (hayatu sulbiyyah). Moving to the womb of the mother as foetus (hayatu janiyyah) is the third stage. The passage to life through birth (hayatun duniyawwiyyah) commences the fourth and the middle stage from where grounds will be prepared for the subsequent stages. The death of a man opens way for a way of trans (hayatun barzakhiyyah) which spans to the end of life. The sixth stage heralds the accountability proper (hayatun qiyamiyyah) which opens two ways to either blissful or perdition. The final stage is the assumption of either paradise or hell (hayatun ukhrawiyyah). The eternal life begins soon after the judgment.
Realistic exploration of life range from receiving post-natal nurturing, infancy and childhood. At adolescence, the crisis of development posts challenges. Youthful and adulthood leads to retirement. After retirement, man proceeds to old age which translates to adding extra and supportive leg for mobility.
Of course, downward trend gives imperative to thread cautiously and to concretize achievements for uptimum impacts. It is to this end that Allah's injunction directed to Prophet Daud (AS) bears on human steward with a view to fare better both within and outside the normal enclave. Allah says: 'Goodness never seizes to exist, sin is unforgettable and the Responsible (Allah) will never die; ride on oh son of Adam for reward is commensurate with the level of deeds.' This subsequent edition will enshrine responsibilities of a Muslim at old age. We hope to meet you next week. Thanks and stay blessed.
Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.