28-03-1445 AH/13-10-2023 CE.
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim...

Qur'an 49:13 bears on categorization of human race into male, female, races and tribes of various colour. The point of emphasis in such narrative remains a reminiscence over unity of humanity and essence of piety in Allah.

The contemporary world's recognition of female values in the society would be a further step to the values given to women in the Glorious Qur'an. This is not only evident in giving Suratu n Nisa'i (Chapter of Women) but also giving them fair treatment across board including a war situation.

Granted that Arabs before Islam were predisposed to treating women unfairly. This culminated in relegation of female elements to lower status in the social strata, complete denial of share of inheritance and being considered as part of estate to be shared, and worse-still, burying female child alive at the point of delivery (female infanticide).

These and other recent practices in the contemporary society paint the picture of apartheid against women Islam warns against them. Discriminating against female children is not only anti-Islam but also counter-productive to humanity. This is for several reasons part of which brings to our attention that not only have we witnessed female Ministers, Deputy Governors, but also female professional who hold sway in various companies and parastatals.

The Glorious Qur'an 16:57-59 declares: "And they assign daughters for Allah! - Glory be to Him, and for themselves what they desire. When news is brought to one of them of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grieve. With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had; shall he retain it one (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! what an evil (choice) they decide on?"

From the above portion it is evident that female child is never a bad omen. In Arabia before the advent of the renown order of Islam under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), there was ill-fated female infanticide resulting from   misconception that female child is a potential cause of shame to a family. As it emanated from intricacy from war-like ands feudal prune society, female was thought of as not capable of defending family honour and was severed of most privileges of living and sustenance. This situation of giving preference to male child re-incarnate among Yoruba socio-cultural setting in constant denial of share of inheritance accrued to female child and eventual recognition of male child as heir apparent and holding front for the family.

As part of the socio-religious re-arrangements which pride his mission, Prophet Muhammad he structurally placed measures for not only  female survival but also her sustenance across life. Part of these measures include abhorrence of feaudal wars, placing definite shares of inheritance for female child, giving hee privilege to amass wealth wihout fear of favour, giving expedient wisdom for her receiving half the share of a male child in estate for her opportunity to wing across inheritance from parents and husbands' side, and lots more.

Place priority for female child in Islam is not only limited to worldly benefits but also eternal bliss or perdition. To this end, the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) was reported having said, 'Whoever is given two female child and trained them with uprightness to they get married, will be with him in paradise like 5 and 6.' He stressed further in the same vein that: 'Surely Allah forbids for you mother (parents) assault,  female infanticide, and abhors saying this and that, unnecessary questions, and being extravagant.' These five moral spheres contain role of female parents and their responsibility of passionate breeding of good home from where better male and female child emerge.

It must be added that contemporary societies are plagued with several immorality including female abuse right from home including sexual assault, lowering her social status, denial of rightful education and of course denying her pride of place in life. This is in contra-distinction to many female children faring well in positions of authority where male children are perceptively failing on the social circle.

Today in this part of the clime there is no gain-saying the fact that we have female Ministers, Deputy Governors, Permanent Secretaries, Company Captains, Education Secretaries, School Managers and Business Magnates of repute whose track records outshine most of the male counterparts. However, this does not necessarily mean the  male counterparts are have siesed to be the head in their category. More importantly, realizing limits for female children in the order of events is to respect and not to relegate them in the society. Gender equality appears to move beyond mortal capacity to building of substantial roles for female to wing comparably in the society. This is the main goal of World Women Day crlebration.

Till we meet in the next edition, wish you happy Women Day in arrears. Stay blessed.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State, Nigeria.

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