21-03-1445 AH/06-10-2023 CE.
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

In the last edition of this series we were treated to  the description of the personality of the noble Messenger Muhammad S(SAW) in a bid to de-mystify the celebration of his birth. This episode will take up higher argument beyond the status of Maolid celebration in the Shari'ah. 

Granted that the approach in this regard may not claim professional in the field of Islamic Law, the attempt is to dig deep into the anthologies of Islam with a view to using analogical stance to shape the celebration of Maolid Nabiyy in vogue in Muslim world.
Before long, Ibn Abbas (R.A) posited on the possible interpretation of the Qur'an verses to suit challenges in human circle. He said: "You surely cannot get the best interpretation of the glorious Qur'an, no matter how you struggle to do so, just that events in periods of time is capable of spelling it better." This statement prides higher in the hands of Jurists and Legal Luminaries in Islam as it gives them ample opportunity to dwell 360 degree before bringing exertions _(Ifta')_ . Secondly, when the above statement is factored along the Hadith of the noble Messenger Muhammad which hints that: "You are the best who know about the happenings in you neighborhood", it interpretative becomes instrumental to savage a situation whereby Muslims might be ostracized on the basis of means of propagating their religion and way of life.

It is important to mention that Muslims across the globe are found on three main merits. Some statutorily reside in purely Islamic State and they were at least 99% grounded in Islamic Shari'ah-based cultures. The second category live in Muslim State where Muslims are found in majority and make up with some patches of diversity in terms of statutory advantage. The third category of Muslims found themselves in multi-religious cultural setting where vying for religious benefits appears outright tussle. To add to the list is the fourth category of Muslims who reside in the lands of Kufr whose religious privilege is far from being given necessary consideration. From the above categories, it is not only indicative that socio-religious recognition would vary along with the categorization but also civic engagements in each settlement would be of diversity. This invariably defines the variation in Maolid Nabiyy perception, its declared holiday and celebration on one hand. On the other hand, the Orthodox view which stand separate against the background that neither the noble Messenger nor His Companions celebrated the Maolid in spite of the fact that the noble Messenger Muhammad SAW was reportedly witnessed fasting on Mondays and on inquiry he said he did that to show gratitude for his noble birth on Monday.

The contention remains that leaving arguments concerning its authenticity is germane in view of the ' _Urf_ (popular culture-becoming) of Maolid Nabiyy celebration. This leaves us with the attention on three main driving factors which is common to most valuables in haman circle. These are the motive behind an action, the approach to the action and the desired goal achieved at the end of the day.

The view expressed in this episode would be that of meddling between the extremes of both antagonists and protagonists of Maolid Nabiyy celebration. This is that if Maolid Nabiyy must be celebrated some important factors must be put into consideration. These include: 
i. Taking one single day for the celebration of Maolid without extenuating the yoke beyond the month of birth of the Noble Messenger.
ii. As colorful as the occasion appears to different groups it must be used to redefine the legacies of noble Messenger which is Islam per excellence and waging war against doing otherwise (Bida'i) unnecessary innovations.
iii. Maolid Nabiyy must be celebrated without wasting time, resources, priorities and Salat hours.
iv. Exotic praises of the noble Messenger must be necessarily avoided. This is premised on the reported Hadith of the noble Messenger which bears: 'Do not elevate me beyond the limit allowed me by Allah just as Jews and Christians did to their Prophets.'
v. It may not be out of place to celebrate Maolid Nabiyy with a view to recalling outlandish events surrounding the mission of the noble Messenger and His long term achievements.
vi. When celebrating Maolid Nabiyy, Qur'an recitation, Hadith and Qasa'id (Eulogies) are recited with a view to draw attention to His Zuhd (Asceticism) and moral exactitude.
vii. Show-casing the beauty of Islamic mission and its superiority over several other astitutions and inclinations.

Above all, the above highlighted factors form the core and integra desires of a worthwhile endeavor as enshrined in the Qur'an 4:114 which declares: "
In most of their secret talks there is no good: but if one exhorts to a deed of charity or goodness or reconciliation between people (secrecy is permissible): to him who does this, seeking the good pleasure of Allah. We shall soon give a reward of the highest (values)."

In a nutshell, if Maolid Nabiyy celebration would survive it must take cognisance of factors not limited to the above listed all in the interest of socio-religious obtainable in one Muslim settlement or the other.

Thanks for taking part of your precious time to read this write-up. Till we meet again in the next edition, Jumu'ah Mubaarakah in arrears. Thanks and remain extremely blessed.

Dr Razaq Bolawaye Uthman Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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