07-03-1445 AH/22-09-2023 CE.
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim.

The last edition was on factors capable of causing a Muslim's faith to spoil and his personality dislodged from the line of faithful. This edition would dwell briefly on keeping on track and remaining focus on the path of Islam.

There is no gain-saying the fact that contemporary society is overwhelmed with distractions which bother on life attainments. To a large extent, it erodes the core human values particularly the aspects that deal with relationship with the Creator - Allah ( SWT).

The Glorious Qur'an 41:30 and several other verses in the Qur'an bear on steadfastness. "Surely, those who say our Lord is Allah and are steadfast would neither be grieved nor be afraid afterwards; they are those on whom Angels descend that they should not be afraid."

These verses assure Believers of sustenance hinged on proviso of complete reliance and depending on Allah to the discredit of other principalities. This is not because favour from any other corner that Allah cannot only endure but is also not pleasing. Relying on such feat subjects a man to mere appendage of such principality. Whereas Allah as the true Giver is not pleased with ascribing partner with Him in worship, assistance, protection and other favour.

" Ma ' indakum yanfadu wama 'inda Llahi baaqin" meaning 'Whatever is with you will definitely finish but what is with Allah will not end.' The irony of this statement appears in the futility of human efforts. This is for the fact that if a man is not convinced that wealth, might and power which intoxicate him will short-live him, he cannot imagine his situation when he dies leaving such affluence behind at the instance of non-contributing family member or others.

It is to this end that the Hadith of the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) bears on the instance of Abdullah bn Abbas thus: "I was with the Messenger one day and He said: Oh boy, let me teach certain formula  if you apply it you will not regret. Trust in Allah and if you want to ask for something, ask Allah and be steadfast. For if a group of people converge on how to benefit you on anything they cannot offer anything except with rule from Allah. And if any group of people resolve to hurt you in any circumstance they cannot do any harm to you except with the leave of Allah."

It is evident from the above tradition that human living a proxy life is not oly harmful to the bearer but also remain counter-productive to the generality. Ingenuity of one is a smear capable of infecting other elements in the system. The eco-system is powerful such that affliction on one is affliction on all.

To be on the safer side of  steadfastness, addressing the following core areas is important. These are:
i. Giving proper estimate of Allah as capable of doing everything; man leaves control of his life to him in all ramifications.
ii. Diversity in focus is not only counter-action to the might of the Creator but also spells ungratefulness on human side.
iii. Taking solace in reading and internalizing the words of Allah gives man clear vision and brightness in focus.
iv. Knowing that whatever favour is given by Allah is sustainable as against anything from somewhere else which is  rather stillbirth.
v. Inability to recognize the power of Allah causes series of misfortune.
vi. Regular establishment of Salat draws a believer closer to Allah as against   being in disharmony with Him.
vii. It is testimony that whatever devil gives man is a bate designed to reap in multiple from him whereas Allah's favour on a believer is an enduring legacy. 
viii. Being in harmony with other people is a cause of joy and being in disharmony with them is declaring war with Allah.

Summarily, man would not only be architect of whatever comes to him but also being respectful towards the Creator earns him succor and comfort of living huddle-free and full of appreciation.

Till we meet again in the next edition, thanks for taking part of your time to read this piece. Jum'at Mubaarakah in arrears.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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